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Fall Events: Join me!

    I bet your fall calendar already feels tighter than my hamstrings (impossible), but how many of those appointments and obligations spark connection, creativity, intention, or FUN? I present, for your consideration: MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 15th   When you’re a perfectionist with a great idea, goal or project, it can often feel like you’re hitting red light after red light. Instead, switching attention to practice — for the sake of practice — can keep you moving forward, open up possibility, and even turn those red lights green. You’ll leave with new ideas and your own dedicated… Read More »Fall Events: Join me!

    Purple and Yellow Time

      Of all four seasons, running jogging in summer takes last place for me. This summer’s humidity made jogging ambling even more brutal. I did it anyhow. That said, I always look forward to Purple and Yellow Time on the running path, despite Purple and Yellow Time occuring in the heat of late August. Sadly, I didn’t capture a photo of Peak Purple and Yellow Time, because I ran without my phone during that week or so. Happily, I got to run without my phone during that week or so. Happier still, I need to run with… Read More »Purple and Yellow Time

      We used to have movie night now we have MOVIENITE

        You’re Invited to a First-Person Four-Player Experience Called Movienite! Who: You and your older brother. What: Let’s All Stare at the Same Screen at the Same Time. When: Tonight. Movienite. Let’s get it! Where: The Elysian Fields of XBox Sweat, aka the basement sectional, aka the teen boy bassinet where you spend more hours than your actual bed. Wear: Two-sizes too small Old Navy gym shorts, and no bath for three days. To unlock “ultimate comfort mode” kick off your shorts. Shorts are total trash, bro! Toss the cat around your neck like a pashmina.… Read More »We used to have movie night now we have MOVIENITE

        Kate’s Elver Park #30BrighterDays

          I know Elver Park as the fast steep sledding hill I boycott due to the fact that everyone congregates at the bottom (instead of clearing the way for the oncoming wolf pack of sleds flying 60 mph). I know Elver Park as the swamp where the under-12 team played soccer all of this past spring season. I know the playground, the splash pad. I saw signs for skiing trails and something called Frisbee golf that surely no one actually plays. Then my friend Kate told me about open spaces and views and miles of trails… Read More »Kate’s Elver Park #30BrighterDays

          Little bright spots for your week #30BrighterDays

            This marks the final week of Oprah and Deepak’s free 21-day meditation, which I’m both utilizing and enjoying. I think you’ll still find value if you begin this week. I always find meditation valuable, and this focus on manifestation has me thinking about that which derives from ego versus manifestation that aligns with your heart and soul. Warning! Sit up!! Deepak’s butter voice puts me to sleep every time I fool myself into thinking I can meditate while reclining.  At long last I tried “Piñon” ice cream (pine nut) at La Michoacana. Everyone else’s spoon… Read More »Little bright spots for your week #30BrighterDays

            Clean from the root #30brighterdays

              I forgot to take a before picture, so I won’t show you the after. On one hand, I wish I could show you the progress. On the other hand, how very nice that social media has not hard-wired me to the extent I think to take the before. We planted a new burning bush in the fall, and it survived the winter only to become nearly overtaken by weeds. Today I attacked them. Now our growing bush can breathe and expand, and I can look at the area without a homeowner shame-spiral. Weeding equals control.… Read More »Clean from the root #30brighterdays

              Anxiety Tapas, Anyone? #30BrighterDays

                My poet friend Dana Maya volunteers at community events with the “Sponaneous Writing Booth.” You give the poets a one-word prompt, make a small donation to a good cause, and they write you a poem on the spot. Given the rare gift of an entire night to myself, I finally got to see the booth in action last night at a neighborhood festival. With my husband working out of town and both kids camping, an evening “to myself” means I check the phone, then check again. The word “anxiety” already thrummed in my brain, even as… Read More »Anxiety Tapas, Anyone? #30BrighterDays

                Still Punky #30BrighterDays

                  I dressed up as a peri-menopausal version of Punky Brewster for a costume dinner. The addition of reading glasses and one orthopedic shoe made her “perimeno.” But. see. Everything I wore for that costume came from straight out of my closet, with the exception of the short-sleeved orange jacket I thrifted. Even that I might wear again though, and not ironically. The unintentionally funniest thing about this 1980s punky child costume is that it mostly looks like regular clothes for 40-somethings in 2018. Maybe not work clothes, but certainly play clothes (where that differentiation still… Read More »Still Punky #30BrighterDays

                  Same lesson, different costumes: My podcast interview with Midlife Mixtape

                    With guests like musician Kathy Valentine of The Go-Go’s, Martha Quinn of MTV fame, Air Force veteran and Texas democratic candidate for congress MJ Hegar, and all manner of midlife luminaries, today I’m thrilled to join Nancy Davis Kho on her fabulous Midlife Mixtape podcast A podcast to celebrate midlife with humor, heart, and a really good beat. In each episode, Nancy interviews GenXers and icons of Generation X about how they’re thriving in the years between being hip and breaking one. As funny and delightful as she is an ace interviewer, Nancy and I discuss: Listen… Read More »Same lesson, different costumes: My podcast interview with Midlife Mixtape

                    30 Years of Friendship (for #30BrighterDays)

                      photo credit: Emily McInnes Once a year we convene on a Wisconsin lake to celebrate 30 years of friendship and counting. We strengthen the ties that connect us. And oh my how we cut loose.