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Still Punky #30BrighterDays

    I dressed up as a peri-menopausal version of Punky Brewster for a costume dinner. The addition of reading glasses and one orthopedic shoe made her “perimeno.”

    But. see.

    Everything I wore for that costume came from straight out of my closet, with the exception of the short-sleeved orange jacket I thrifted. Even that I might wear again though, and not ironically.

    The unintentionally funniest thing about this 1980s punky child costume is that it mostly looks like regular clothes for 40-somethings in 2018. Maybe not work clothes, but certainly play clothes (where that differentiation still exists).

    Possibly the second funniest thing about this costume is that one of my oldest and closest friend’s mom still dresses like this in her 70s.

    Maybe we dress like punky children and don’t want to grow up. Maybe major media and consumerism turned all of us into Rainbow Brite  without our awareness or consent. Or maybe just maybe wearing hearts and sunshine and rainbows during dark times feels a little revolutionary. Less I REALLY DON’T CARE DO U, and more Care Bears? Sign me up.