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Get Unstuck and Coach With Me

    “The tools that Ann gave me, and worked through with me, have produced an actual plan and map for achieving two goals that have been on my “to-do” list for years. Having a plan (that I’ve already started implementing) has removed a huge weight from my shoulders and helped alleviate the guilt I felt for never reaching these goals.” — Sherry Carr-Smith, I got unstuck. I can help you do the same for yourself. What I love to do in the creative realm and who I am fundamentally (let’s call this my character strengths)… Read More »Get Unstuck and Coach With Me

    Our Interview with Actor/Author/Director/Filmmaker Andrew McCarthy of Brat Pack fame!

      If this post lands in your inbox, chances are you’re a GenXer who grew up going to see John Hughes movies and lusting after teen actors Andrew McCarthy, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, etc. who became (infamously at the time) known as The Brat Pack. Maybe you’ve raised some kids, now in their young adult years, and have revisited some of these 1980s films with nostalgia. My It’s Pronounced Memwah co-hosts Mariana Olenko, Wendi Aarons, and I got a rare opportunity to interview the actor/author/director, and now filmmaker, about “Brat”… Read More »Our Interview with Actor/Author/Director/Filmmaker Andrew McCarthy of Brat Pack fame!

      The Diary of Anne Frank at CTM

        I’m delighted to share I’ll be playing Edith Frank, Anne Frank’s mother, for Children’s Theater of Madison’s production of The Diary of Anne Frank. This 75-minute (no intermission) production is recommended for children age 11 and up. More than ever in my lifetime, I feel an urgency to keep Anne’s hopeful light and story alive. Please join us. Purchase tickets here. Learn some of the history with CTM’s The Diary of Anne Frank enrichment guide.

        Take a Break From Doom-Scrolling. Listen to Our Funny New Podcast.

          The news in Israel and Gaza is devastating. Maybe you’re grieving like I am. I hope you drink water, go gently, and take time to enjoy your life despite it all. My old (but SO YOUNG) humor blogging besties Mariana Olenko, author Wendi Aarons, and I launched a new podcast that might help take your mind off things for 30 or 40 minutes. Titled “It’s Pronouned Mem-WAH,” Mariana, Wendi, and I read and discuss celebrity memoirs. It’s fun, lighthearted, occasionally thoughtful, and we laugh a lot. I hope you will, too. A PODCAST BY NON-FAMOUS… Read More »Take a Break From Doom-Scrolling. Listen to Our Funny New Podcast.

          My Facebook + Instagram Imploded. What’s Next?

            Hello friends who once knew me from mom writing, LTYM, or performing. My Facebook got hacked and permanently disabled, which took down my IG too. It all happened within moments. No recourse really exists — at least that doesn’t involve hours of spiraling in endless feedback loops that lead nowhere, ironically called “help” and “support.” I hear the only way to get it back is to go through someone who knows someone at Facebook. I might try that, or I might let go of all of it. Today, I’m leaning toward letting it all go.… Read More »My Facebook + Instagram Imploded. What’s Next?

            For Us, Folks With a Kid About to Launch

              While this site serves mostly as a placeholder now, this moment compels me to reconnect with you here, on what began as a mom blog. Click here to listen, or continue reading below. Breathe deeply and slowly Settle into this moment Wrap your arms around yourself and imagine hugging your child, the one about to launch Picture them as an infant or toddler Maybe rock back and forth remembering what it felt like to carry them – in your womb, in your arms, or on your back – the weight of them when they were… Read More »For Us, Folks With a Kid About to Launch

              Night light

                IT’S! ANN! I yelled and waved my arms by way of greeting, unrecognizable to women I’ve known for over a decade, as they emerged from their frozen cars. My body stood covered in down parka and snow pants, two layers of wool socks and boots, my hair underneath hat and hood, my face shielded by a mask. Only my eyes peeked out, barely visible through the darkness and driving snow. After similarly exaggerated introductions IT’S! SARAH! HEY SARAH, IT’S! JULIE! the seven of us tramped through a foot of snow from the parking lot, past… Read More »Night light

                1 out of 3 ain’t bad

                  If you need a laugh and to feel seen, watch comedian Robyn Schall revisit her goals for 2020. Next, if you can stomach it, revisit your own like I did. Ann’s 3 goals for 2020: More love, less dread: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahhahaah (ahem) Reclaim the stage: This one, I did! My path to this goal led me through 18 months of auditions for professional theaters to community theater open calls. One audition found me in a church gym, lined up with children, and a very patient if disheartened choreographer who pleaded I know I said SELL IT… Read More »1 out of 3 ain’t bad

                  “Slowly is the fastest way…”

                    I face this quote from Andre De Shields every time I sit at my desk. The 74-year-old prolific actor/choreographer/director gave this advice for longevity during his 2019 Tony acceptance speech. It serves me as a daily beacon, reminder, and deep breath inducer. Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be. As an over-sensitive human with a tendency to barrel ahead toward one audacious creative goal after another, his advice resonates with me, comforts me, and helps me slow down. As a quarantinian (TM) growing more and more impatient to resume… Read More »“Slowly is the fastest way…”

                    Hello, Again.

                      “What’s the deal? Did someone hijack Ann’s Rants?” my dad texted me. When you google Ann’s Rants these days, the number one search result gives you a photo of a woman wearing aviators, sporting massive cleavage, and packing an automatic rifle. Someone did hijack Ann’s Rants, but probably not Uzi Babe. All my sites got corrupted due to being so elderly and neglected; decade-old links, custom themes no longer update-able, and a storyteller woefully exhausted of ranting on the internet. All three of my sites sat broken and abandoned all summer long, while I dragged… Read More »Hello, Again.