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Feng Shui tips from someone who knows almost 3 things about Feng Shui

    Make sure your bed and your desk face the door. Beware of your enemies–you don’t want your back to the door. If you don’t want to see your children, shut your door. Your Nagle print has bad chi. Please tell her to remove her sunglasses. How rude. Who, who who who who let the Ikea out? I am not feeling any Feng, nor shui. You are very heavy on your IVAR-EXTORP-KARLSTAD. Far far too much LEVSIK getting in the way of your prosperity. Where is the love in this bathroom? You must immediately remove the… Read More »Feng Shui tips from someone who knows almost 3 things about Feng Shui

    Project Mom Casting: Motherhood deserves more than Eggs Benedict for Mother’s Day

      This post is a Project MomCasting submission for a new reality tv series about women bloggers My name is Ann Imig, Stay-At-Home Humorist and creator of the live theater production, LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER. I started blogging to improve my writing and launch a writing career. I never imagined the rich community of creativity—especially among mothers—that blogging provides. My unique view: Moms who write online can spring their literal voices from their blog voices in local productions of LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER: Readings by local writers on motherhood. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER (LTYM) explores motherhood… Read More »Project Mom Casting: Motherhood deserves more than Eggs Benedict for Mother’s Day

      Advice Needed

        Please help me select an outfit for BlogHer10. I’m torn between these three looks: Look #1 (haute couture) Look #2 (accessories included) Look #3 (Too much?) ### Announcements: This Friday July 23, at 10am I am proud to join acclaimed author and journalist Shannon Henry from Cooking With Friends to talk about all things bloggy LIVE on The Veronica Ruekert show on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Ideas Network. Find your local Wisconsin station or info about live streaming HERE. Also.. As many of you know, BlogHer announced their Voices of The Year Community Keynote on Monday.… Read More »Advice Needed

        Crossing Over

          I’m changing. Remember John Edward the “Crossing Over” TV psychic? He can communicate with people on the other side. I’m seeing an A, rhymes with Stan. Did you have a brother or sister figure that crossed over? I’m seeing someone on your same level, to your right–that means sibling or a tea party activist. No? Does your name start with a vowel? UuuOOOhhAhhh– Ann? Yes Ann! But this is a different Ann who no longer exists. I see a woman trailing breast pads in her wake, dropping cookie crumbs on the head of her three-month-sized… Read More »Crossing Over

          Grab a fork!

            I’m over at The Big Piece of Cake today, guest posting while Kate is a way. You probably know Kate. She writes for DC Metro Moms Blog, and has been featured on numerous other sites. While you’re on her blog, check out her ongoing fiction posts–she’s a talented writer. Thanks again, Kate! p.s. Kate? New tagline: “The Big Piece of Cake: Now significantly smaller and where is all the frosting thanks a lot Ann Imig”

            Read My First Novel!

              I actually wrote this in 1982 (at age 8), as opposed to all my other kid-voice stuff that strives to sound like it was written in 1982 (at age 8). My Dad and I alternated writing in the book. The Girl Who Had ESP By Ann KrinskyCopyright 1982. Co-author, My Dad.Randall School Publishing Company Chapter OneOne Rainy Day Robin was peering out her window, and she saw something. Not really Outside but in her mind! Robin was scared, but then her Mother calmed her down and said “It’s just probably your Imagination.” But Robin knew… Read More »Read My First Novel!

              Bedtime with Mussolini

                I believe in simple bed time routines. When Six was an infant I rocked and sang my way through “The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology: Haggard Ingénue Edition” every night. Every. Single. Night. I learned from my mistakes. With Three I streamlined the process—two stories, one song, and lights out. But. Somewhere along the way Three inserted a few “talking points.” If you imagine a moment of reflection or prayer, I love your idea. To the contrary, since attending a Chuck E. Cheese Birthday party A YEAR AGO he insists on the following nightly script. Me:… Read More »Bedtime with Mussolini

                Summer Potluck: New Rules

                  Before we eat, I’d like to go over a few things: If your last name starts with A-Z you were supposed to bring something that we can chew in our mouths Everyone keep their hairs to their own casserole. Yes, I plan to use all five of these chairs, Silly. Otherwise why would I be perched atop them in a full split? If you’ll hold my beverage I can complete the pose, thank you. You call it saltines and ketchup, I call it bruschetta Fancy! Old man? Please don’t fondle the bundt cake. “Evening out”… Read More »Summer Potluck: New Rules

                  Blogging? Or Jewish Summer Camp? You Decide!

                    Are these quotes from bloggers on blogging OR teenagers (the ones who love camp, not the mosquito-bitten miserable variety) on Jewish summer camp? “No one in my real life understands me like you guys” “I’ve been here such a short time, and yet it’s a lifetime” “In my real life I am insecure and hairy, but here people accept me for who I am–insecure and hairy” [Song: You’ve Got A Friend]“You guys accept me for who I am. You are the only ones who know the real me.” “Honestly? Honestly? I don’t know how I’m… Read More »Blogging? Or Jewish Summer Camp? You Decide!

                    Star Chart

                      Out of a possible **** as determined by The Boys (3 and 6) Takes spills in stride, instead of falling to knees and reenacting King Lear’s “Blow Winds” ** Recounts fairy tales from memory, without making up character names just like ours but off by one consonant, and especially without singing full Disney arias. * Remembers to mute Weezer lyrics appropriately “Marry me a bit[MUTE] Havin 7 kids” *** Plays sufficient number of rounds of Handy Manny Uno ** Plays sufficient number of rounds of Handy Manny Uno without winning * Plays sufficient number of… Read More »Star Chart