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    I take requests

    Popping back in–hellooooooooooo there–to invite you over to Aiming Low to read my first column “UnNannies.” While you’re there, catch up on your horoscope and do some advanced eulogy planning. Why not?

    I also want to thank Vodka Mom for having me over last week. I was so busy learning Danke Schoen on my accordion that I plum forgot. Thanks again, Ms. Vodka!

    Happy Tuesday, Amigos!

    0 thoughts on “UNNannies”

    1. You did good, Ann. It was an awesome post. And reminded me of why I always loved sitters. Ginger and Laura, sisters, used to come watch us as we demanded both since Ginger could do good makeup and hair while Laura let us play her violin and watch Dirty Dancing.