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The Thank-You Project Book: A Gratitude Roadmap and a Giveaway!

    The Thank-You Project by Nancy Davis Kho

    Three years ago almost to the day, I received a letter from my friend Nancy. She described the letter as a way to mark her 50th birthday, by thanking the people, places, and things that helped her live a blessed life.

    I describe that letter as a masterful connect-the-dots of our friendship; one rendered with such care and craftsmanship, that I still get choked up to see the pattern of us, revealed.

    “What I love most about this joyful, life-affirming guide is that it feels like a letter itself, written to me by a smart, kind friend who truly cares about helping me be happier — and knows just how I can do it.”

    Mary Laura Philpott, author of I Miss You When I Blink

    Nancy led me along the beads of our story– meeting online through blogging, meeting IRL at conferences (and dancing like fools at said conferences), performing on stage in LTYM events, rising to the call of social action, and supporting each other while raising our respective families.

    Nancy’s letter project brought unexpected benefits to her during a tough year. Not only did writing the letters lift her through grief and loss, she heard back from (and reconnected with) many of her recipients. Nancy printed out all her letters, and bound them to keep by her bedside. Years later, reading her gratitude letters still gives her an instant pick me up.

    “Sweet and wise, this hopeful book will inspire readers to honor those who have made a difference in their lives”

    — Publishers Weekly

    Another unexpected benefit? A book deal! The prize of a decade of devoted writing for Nancy, and a roadmap toward gratitude and increased happiness for the rest of us.

    A Gratitude Roadmap (and giveaway!)

    Gratitude and happiness go hand-in-hand — and The Thank-You Project provides an easy-to-follow approach for creating more of both.

    Who helped you become the person you are today? As Nancy Davis Kho approached a milestone birthday, she decided to answer that question by sending thank-you letters to the many people who had influenced her, helped her, and inspired her over the years: family, friends, mentors, teachers, co-workers, even a couple of former friends and exes. While her recipients always seemed genuinely pleased to read the letters, what Nancy never expected was the profound and positive effect the process would have on her. As it turns out, emerging research proves that actively appreciating the formative people in your life, past and present, can lead to a lasting increase in your happiness levels–and The Thank-you Project offers a charming, entertaining roadmap to see, say and savor your way there.

    The Thank-You Project Launches Today (Dec 3rd, 2019)

    In celebration of Nancy’s book release, I’m on my way to meet my writer friends for the festivities in Oakland!! Live in the Bay area? Join us! Or..

    • Follow all the fun on social media #ThankYouProjectBook
    • BUY A COPY for everyone you love!: teacher gift, holiday gift, milestone birthday, new year resolution, self-care ALL OF THE ABOVE. The book even looks like a gift with beautiful art inside and out
    • Music maven that she is (a real-live DJ), Nancy created Spotify playlists to go along with each chapter
    • WIN A COPY. Leave a comment to win a copy by midnight 12/9/19. I’ll choose a winner randomly and announce it Tuesday 12/10/19

    “A genial volume about a fun approach to showing others how much they mean to you.”

    – Kirkus Reviews

    5 thoughts on “The Thank-You Project Book: A Gratitude Roadmap and a Giveaway!”

    1. Practicing gratitude is a big part of my life. I appreciate you having this giveaway. This looks like a lovely book! Have the best time in Oakland!

    2. Ann, I would love a copy of the book, it sounds awesome! I am working on being more mindful and expressing more gratitude for the blessings in my life. It is too easy when things are not going well to forget about how much we do have and to focus on the negative. I think this book would help me a lot!

    3. I am bad at writing in cards, so I am not sure whether I should *not* be the recipient of this book (lest it be wasted) or whether I *should* (if it contains helpful/prodding advice for how to spill your guts concisely and in such a way as to not make other people uncomfortable); I will leave that up to you. 🙂

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