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My Facebook + Instagram Imploded. What’s Next?

    Hello friends who once knew me from mom writing, LTYM, or performing. My Facebook got hacked and permanently disabled, which took down my IG too. It all happened within moments. No recourse really exists — at least that doesn’t involve hours of spiraling in endless feedback loops that lead nowhere, ironically called “help” and “support.” I hear the only way to get it back is to go through someone who knows someone at Facebook. I might try that, or I might let go of all of it. Today, I’m leaning toward letting it all go.… Read More »My Facebook + Instagram Imploded. What’s Next?

    My kids are genuine helpers now, not fake helpers-in-training

      As part of their #WhatULuv campaign, the folks at Luvs asked me about what I truly value and feel thankful for as a parent. The following immediately came to mind: My 9 and 12-year-old are now genuine helpers–with the capability of actual helpfulness–instead of fake helpers-in-training. For instance: My kids now empty the dishwasher and put away the dishes, instead of emptying the dishwasher and leaving everything on the counter they “can’t reach.” I called them out on the “can’t reach” counter when they could rest their elbows for prolonged emptying-the-dishwasher breaks in the very cupboard where the… Read More »My kids are genuine helpers now, not fake helpers-in-training