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The One?

    I’m guest posting for Tony today. If you aren’t familiar with Tony’s blog, I suggest you read his humorous and poignant post about His First Camping Trip. Man’s Rants inspired me to reflect on my own relationships, so I wrote this story about whether and how I knew Husband was The One. Oh, and if you missed Man’s Rants, look for the label on my sidebar and enjoy some wonderful coming-of-age stories by menfolk. I’ll turn off my comments here. I know how bloggy-fatigued we all are. Oh. Maybe that’s just me…

    Screech, Cleopatra, and BlogHAIR

      I give it up too easily. My hair that is. I hop into a chair and automatically assume the stylist knows more than I do about what hairstyle might suit me. If they say–hypothetically speaking–you just don’t have the face to support blunt-cut bangs, I honor their professional expertise, while silently mourning my Uma Thurman/Pulp Fiction hairdo dreams. So what am I to think, when months later the very same stylist suggests I could totally get sassy with bangs! Yes, DEAR GOD, I WANT SASSY! Yes! Make me a rock star. Give me BLOGHAIR! So,… Read More »Screech, Cleopatra, and BlogHAIR

      Free Association Friday: Kelcey of Mama Bird Diaries

        Thank you to the clever and funny Kelcey of The Mama Bird Diaries for free-associating this week. I came up with the asinine words listed below, Kelcey applied her comedic-stylings…and voila! If you’re going to Blogher don’t miss the comedy panel featuring Kelcey and several other top humor bloggers. I’ll be there furiously passing taking notes. Haberdashery: Where Brit-wannabe Madonna goes to meet her new young boyfriends. Roscoe P. Coltrane: John Coltrane’s awkward step cousin. A short acting career on “The Dukes of Hazzard.” Esperanto: Damn. I totally suck at foreign languages. Desperado: Me at… Read More »Free Association Friday: Kelcey of Mama Bird Diaries

        Babysitter Interview: Myself as a Twelve-Year-Old

          Do you have any experience caring for children? No. Do you have any younger siblings? I have an older brother who tortures me, but soon I will seek revenge by surrounding myself with incredibly hot unattainable friends. My step-sister and I make stuff and sell it to our neighbors. We said we were giving the money to a charity, but we never sent it to a charity. My sister never lets me in her room. What makes you qualified to care for our children? What. Do you know CPR? I take Hebrew twice a week.… Read More »Babysitter Interview: Myself as a Twelve-Year-Old

          A Prayer for The Road Trip

            Dear Gawd, As we embark on this 4.5 hour car trip, meaning 7 hours with children, that will likely seem like light years or half-lives or some other completely unacceptable time-frame— O, HEAR MY PRAYER! O mani padme ohm, O mani padme ohm. Namioho rehnge KYO. (Thank you Angela Bassett) No car trouble. No DVD malfunctions. And for God’s sake–yes, I sincerely mean for your sake and mine Adonai–may Husband’s bladder endure 75 minute intervals rather than 45 minutes. Or dear Lord? At the very least may the intervals not interfere with naptime. (I know,… Read More »A Prayer for The Road Trip

            Man’s Rants: from boy to Boomer

              The ever-insightful Douglas of Boomer Musings wraps up Man’s Rants today. I want to thank Tony, IB, Spencer Casey, Unfinished Rambler and Douglas for contributing this week. It was such a pleasure working with all of you, and you each brough’ it! . Coming of Ageby Douglas of Boomer MusingsIt seems to me that Coming of Age conjures up any number of different things for each of us. There is no one experience, no singular event, that represents it for everyone. For me, it came about the first time I made a conscious decision which… Read More »Man’s Rants: from boy to Boomer

              Man’s Rants: from boy to Unfinished Rambler

                Welcome to another day of my Man’s Rants festival. Hope you’re enjoying these posts in my absence. Unfinished Rambler is a new bloggy friend I met over at He is very funny, and very generous with bloggy camaraderie. My kind of guy. Thanks, Rambler! Heart beats silly like a big bass drumBy Unfinished Rambler Rod Stewart – Infatuation Oh, no, not again. Every guy has been there, done that, Rod. For me, my first infatuation walked in the door in second grade. Her name was Denise. Never mind that was buck-toothed or had braces.… Read More »Man’s Rants: from boy to Unfinished Rambler

                Man’s Rants: from boy to Spencer Casey

                  Thank you for stopping by Man’s Rants! I’m on vacation and I’ve invited some of my Man blogger friends to write a post about their coming-of-age. So, we’ve heard tales of Lupe and Liz, and now writer Spencer Casey remembers…What was her name? Let’s Call Her TanyaBy Spencer Casey of The Recession of DepressionHer name was Blithe. Not really. Let’s call her Tanya in honor of my favorite poster girl. (Tanya Roberts was Donna’s mom on That 70’s Show by the way.) Vroom, vroom. Tanya was and is a year older than myself. Older woman,… Read More »Man’s Rants: from boy to Spencer Casey

                  Man’s Rants: from boy to Idiot Boy (IB)

                    Welcome back to Man’s Rants, a guy blogger festival in my absence. Thank you to Idiot Boy for contributing today’s post. As one of IB’s followers, I admire his great writing and storytelling. Now prepare yourselves for… The Big BlowBy IB of Idiot’s Stew In May of 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted. At the time, I was living in a dorm at Washington State University about 350 miles east of the mountain. Shortly after the massive eruption, news reports began coming out of Spokane informing us that an ominous cloud of ash was being blown… Read More »Man’s Rants: from boy to Idiot Boy (IB)

                    Man’s Rants: From Boy To Blogger

                      Welcome to Man’s Rants! I’m taking a bloggy vacation this week, so I asked a few of my guy blog friends to post about their coming-of-age. I loved reading each post, and “coming of age” meant something unique to each man. If any of my other guy readers wants to share a link to a coming-of-age post on their blog, email the link to by Wednesday afternoon. Tony kicks off our festival. I love Tony’s blend of humor and sincerity. Thank you so much dear readers, and thank you to Tony. enjoy! ForeverBy Tony… Read More »Man’s Rants: From Boy To Blogger