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Mizrahi on Morning Edition

    I listened to Isaac Mizrahi interviewed on Morning Edition this morning. Liane Hansen interviewed him about how one can be a “fashionista on a bargain-ista budget.” I love Isaac (Scarlett Johansen boob incident notwithstanding), though I doubt his bargain-savvy. This is what I gleaned:
    a) Wear as high a heel as humanly possible [making even the dumpiest woman look classier, skinnier, whatever-ier] Maybe a 12” heel navigates well in 12” of snow. I’m going to look so HOT in my stiletto moon boots, teetering around with the boys.
    b) Clean out my closet [and get rid of all that ugly crap I considered clothing]
    c) Try a phenomenon Isaac has only heard of “you know this thing where they swap clothes…your old boots…might be someone’s new boots!!!” [Isaac, its pronounced kloze swahp]
    d) Concentrate on my good features. Isaac ponders why we think “…OMG my big stomach, as opposed to I have a really good neck” I’m totally going to focus on the beauty of my moley neck.
    e) Get value for your dollar. Isaac put forth “Here’s a beautiful purple sweater, its really expensive but if I buy this it will make me really happy and I’ll wear it!” Beautiful and expensive? And it will make me HAPPY? I feel like a bargain-ista already!
    f) Get excited about getting dressed in the morning. Instead of thinking “oh I have to throw some jeans on so I don’t wear these smelly pajamas again today” think of that shoe (stiletto moon boot) or that scarf (nope, gotta show off my moles) or that new outfit (oops, got rid of all my clothes when I cleaned out my closet.). Oh, yeah…my super expensive purple sweater…Good morning neighbors! Check out my PURPLE SWEATER!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I LOVE YOU ALL!

    0 thoughts on “Mizrahi on Morning Edition”

    1. LOL! Gee, I never thought about dumping all those ugly clothes in my closet. I guess that would be a start!

      I love your header. It so reminds me of myself, except I have girls.

    2. Hi Michele, Thanks about the header. Yup, some primal lives we lead.

      Payton, oh, those are available on

      Goddess, hey there! I know. He’d probably never be the great friend I’d hope for, either. He’s probably a total back stabber.

    3. I did the throwing away (well… gave away actually) clothes thing. Lost a bunch of weight when I caught my ex cheating (couldn’t eat if he wasn’t home) He left, I got happy and I gained back all the weight! Uh, Marybeth? Can I have my fat clothes back? Pretty please?

    4. Remember, it’s not about how you feel, it’s all about how you look. Isaac should start a find for the budget conscious fashionista if it’s weighing so heavily on his mind.

    5. I love too expensive things that make me feel happy! But I hate my fat stomach… Can I agree with a couple of his silly quotes and still get some respect around here?!?
      And when can we have a clothes swap?!? Who’s got size 10 feet, size 10 clothes and loves expensive knock-off purses???

    6. Did he mention getting rid of that ridiculous bandana of his? Because I see him on the street sometimes and although I am no fashion icon, I know it’s time for a change.

    7. Ann — I heard that same story and rolled my eyes at the expensive-purple-sweater comment. I mean, really, Isaac? That’s the key to happiness? You might want to rethink this whole cutting back/being frugal/new economy thing — don’t think you’ve quite got a handle on it.
      P.S. Love your blog! So glad VodkaMom sent us your way.

    8. Funny! Because I’m from The Sticks, certain fashion pieces are a few years behind the rest of the states. For instance, we just got the word last month that big hair is out.

      Those 12″ moonboots might be cool in these parts in 2024.

    9. Well, Heinous, he actually is true to his word. He’s had a great line at Target for some time.

      Amy, you will always have my respect, and I still love Isaac. The interview was just well, hilarious (of the unintentional variety)

      Marinka, would you believe I started wearing the bandana this summer on bad hair days?? I was trying to channel my inner Axl.

      Cathy, thanks so much for stopping by. That was so nice of Ms. Vodka. I’ll be over later to check out your place.

      Same to you, Beth. And extra appreciation for following ;). Hey, I don’t exactly live in fashion-central here in Wisconsin!

    10. Hello, i don’t know why i start every comment lately with hello but there it is!!

      So purple sweaters? I like purple. Now i think i want a purple sweater!! Well perhaps lilac or something inbetween purple and blue or something!!! I have no idea really!!

      I need boots too! Can i go shopping in your closet??? :O)

    11. Har! I can’t wait to walk the dogs in those shiny dominatrix booties – they look piddle-repellent.

      And, BTW, your secret names is…
      Rip Taylor.


