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Listen To Your Mother: Wake up and post on your blog, founder Ann Imig.

    I tend to assume a lot, and usually I make the more substantial of the ass of u and me. For instance, when someone on Twitter told me they dated Don Draper, I assumed they once actually dated Jon Hamm. Days later they explained that they only dated someone who looked like Jon Hamm. Not at all similarly, I tend to assume people who read this blog know about Listen To Your Mother, and then realize how infrequently I even mention it here.

    As I’ve read and tracked the new posts popping up in the blogosphere about LTYM’s 2013 launch, writing my own post did not even occur to me. You’d think that promote LTYM on annsrants would serve as item 1.B on my launch plan, or at least 1.C, but as it turns out remember to post on your own blog about LTYM made for item 3Q. Hello 3Q!

    I started Listen To Your Mother eight weeks before Mother’s Day here in Madison in 2010. With the help of beloved-genius-lady-online-business-maestro Deb Rox, close blog friends in five cities released LTYM from my clutches and brought her to their hometowns in 2011. In response to overwhelming demand, in 2012 I said oh why the hell not and Deb and I figured out how to adjust the LTYM model to accommodate 10 cities.

    For 2013 LTYM finds itself 24 cities. Twenty-four! Thanks to the incredible enthusiasm for this project, the scaffolding created by the most dynamic team of creative women local directors and producers, and due to the generosity of national and local corporate sponsorship, I present to you LTYM:2013.

    This video is dedicated to all of the people who ever watched an LTYM show or video and said I want to do that. This happened because of you. LTYM began as a Mother’s Day celebration and has grown into a national platform for creative self-expression, for community building (online and off), and for the celebration of mothers, daughters, and sons everywhere.

    Read more about our new season on these announcement posts from some of our 2013 local directors and producers:

    Tracey Becker (LTYM: Chicago)

    Galit Breen (LTYM: Twin Cities)

    Stacey Conner (LTYM: Spokane)

    Heather Davis (LTYM: Oklahoma City)

    Margaret Elysia Garcia (LTYM: Plumas County)

    Ellie Grossman (LTYM: St. Louis)

    KeAnne Hoeg (LTYM: Raleigh-Durham)

    Erin Margolin (LTYM: Kansas City)

    Carla Martins (LTYM: Providence)

    Shoshana Martyniak (LTYM: Wilmington)

    Michelle McNally (LTYM: Indianapolis)

    Tracy Morrison (LTYM: Twin Cities)

    Lovelyn Palm (LTYM: Northwest Indiana)

    Misti Pryor (LTYM: Oklahoma City)

    Laura Rossi (LTYM: Providence)

    Laura Seymour (LTYM: Kansas City)

    Shari Simpson (LTYM: New York City)

    Varda Steinhardt (LTYM: New York City)

    Suzanne Tucker (LTYM: St. Louis)

    Zakary Watson (LTYM: Denver)

    Melisa Wells (LTYM: Chicago)

    0 thoughts on “Listen To Your Mother: Wake up and post on your blog, founder Ann Imig.”

    1. Well, this will come as no surprise, but I didn’t even wonder why you hadn’t posted. There are just a few things going on for you 🙂

      I still can’t get over it. 24. 24!!! Like that show! That means we should do ALL the shows within 24 hours! Of course!

    2. So great, Ann, congrats (on the show, and on remembering to post about it.) I’m picturing some sort of Live Aid type of event where Phil Collins jumps into the chopper from event to event, for 24 full hours of LTYM goodness.

      So awed by you!

    3. Wait – didn’t Deb also create Queerosphere? That is one busy lady!

      I know and love so many of your local directors this year – it’s going to be a fun year.