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Henry The Fur Bastard, Rest In Peace

    Sweet Fuzzy Grey
    Now Fades Away

    Our Fancy Feast panacea
    No match for feline bulimia

    The tears well
    Despite all the hell

    Of constant messes
    And late night stresses

    While vomit and pee
    No more shall haunt me

    I lament my inability
    To love you sufficiently

    But love you I did
    From afar, as you hid

    And occasionally atop my head
    When you slept in our bed

    Dexter your mate
    Now faithfully waits…

    0 thoughts on “Henry The Fur Bastard, Rest In Peace”

    1. I’m so sorry! I held my parents kitty, Frankie, just yesterday in the ER vet, as he slipped away. These little kitties are so much a part of our lives. Sending you a hug!

    2. Oh no! I’m so sorry. I’m totally into pets. They don’t talk back or set off the burglar alarm (long story for another day). I hope the guys are ok and not too sad.

    3. 🙂 Like someone said, it must be bitter sweet… I cried my eyes out when my hamster died like 4 years ago….

      On a lighter side.. i think an investigation needs to be opened on this feline death- what happened?

    4. Oh… As a fellow master/owner of a cat that I passionately hate, I can understand the mixed emotions. I hope the kids are coping. RIP Henry.