Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year, begins on Wednesday evening. Meaning, Jews everywhere get to hear their Rabbi’s nthteen interpretation of the biblical passage retelling The Binding of Isaac. Do you suddenly feel very excited to hear mine?
The story involves God calling Abraham to bring him a burnt offering. Abraham slays a ram for his Holiness’ tailgate, but God wants Abraham to offer up his only son Isaac as the offering instead. Abe’s first thought was probably not “DAMMIT. What am I supposed to do with all this Ram and why didn’t I take my Mother-in-Law up on that deep freezer for the basement”
Abraham follows God’s orders meticulously, even raising his hand to slay his precious Isaac until angels intervene at the very last moment. I seem to remember him taking great pains to prepare the altar to God’s specification , which only makes me feel guilty about my lack of preparedness for the High Holy days. Thanks a lot, Abraham.
My guilt stems from an ongoing “Granny Inferiority Complex” resulting from a combination of nostalgia and intimidation at memories of sparkling silver, pristine linens, and homecooked meals prepared by my Grandmas, gracing the holiday tables of my youth. No, my grandmas did not simply shove the weeks-worth of paper over to the other side of the kitchen island, and throw down some stained placemats—nor did their roasts come shrink-wrapped and premarinated.
God? Hi God. It’s Ann. As far as burnt offerings go, will Trader Joe’s Burgundy Pepper Boneless Lamb Leg work?
Back to our story: God spares Abraham from having to kill Isaac—feeling satisfied that Abraham’s readiness to kill his son sufficiently proved his devotion. Well, technically angels stop Abe and command him to untie his son from the altar. Am I the only one seeing Michael C. Hall/Dexter in the roll of Abraham? Encasing the altar in plastic, binding up annoying little Cody from season 1 as Isaac, and the mirage-of-Harry as God advising him throughout?
If Showtime helped me cast The Binding of Issac, parenting gives me new insight into its message.
Perhaps Abraham is just a normal parent—overly tired and trying a little too hard to please everyone including his boss. After all, some women develop postpartum psychosis and perceive eerily similar messages. Not that you’ll find it spelled out this way in your Dr. Sears’ child owner’s manuel, but older children are famous for pushing us to that “bind you and offer you up” place.
Maybe God/Harry felt sympathy as in “Dude. I get it. I often want to kill your weird psychopath-ass, too” Maybe it was Abraham/Dexter’s parenting exhaustion coupled with his fury over Cody/Isaac’s peeing everywhere BUT the designated pee tent, and crazy from hearing Isaac’s incessant begging for Lego Racers—that made him take God’s word too far and too literally.
Mercifully, in The Binding of Isaac no one gets slayed in the end. And maybe this is the lesson too—parenting may bring you to the brink of destruction, but angels (friends, loved ones, definitely NOT Dexter’s annoying wife Rita) and Trader Joes pre-marinated holiday meals can help bring you back.
Happy New Year friends!
Shana Tova
I love this, and can relate to it from the bottom of my {making a cake for the in-laws and a challa for my uncles and this is it for the entire holiday} heart.
Shana Tova, Ann, to you and yours, and may we, this year, forgive ourselves better.
I’ll tell you who isn’t feeling holiday pressure – the kids who go back to school for two days only to get two days off. Was this my new year’s gift??? I was hoping for a nice leather bag.
Have a fabulous holiday!
Shana Tova, Ann. I’m just thankful you got the preschool newsletter. Phew! Dodged a bullet now didn’t you?
I find it very reassuring that your train of thought takes these particular detours. These hilarious, brilliant detours.
I love it.
And you.
Shana Tova, Ann. (No, I don’t know what that means but I’d love to learn. I’m guessing it’s not a car.)
Oh it is a merciful God with many a lesson. I am glad I let my son out of the tent this weekend while camping instead of leaving him there for the season.
Happy High Holy Days dear friend!
I’m sorry, but I simply cannot sit through another Rosh Hashanah with the rabbis trying to explain away that terrible story.
I’m pretty sure that if anyone, including a god, asks you to kill your kid, the appropriate answer is “NO.”
See? That would have been a real test of Abraham’s metal.
Thanks for breaking it down for us, shana maidel.
The Rosenbergs will be celebrating with the traditional Trader Joe’s Chicken Tikka Masala, a Mandatory Membership Meeting at Bob’s goyish Pre-School, and then Jeff’s (non-klezmer) band will be playing a show at the Silverlake Lounge. As often as possible during the day I will trot out the – 5771? I’m still writing 5770 on all of my checks! joke that never fails to please.
Shana Tova.
“Dr.Sear’s child owner’s manual” Shoot now why didn’t anyone tell me about this?
True to (re)form now that I’ve got my own little sacrificial lamb bunny I am even contemplating attending services…and my holiday meal plans include baby’s first (organic and homemade, G-d forbid not store bought)applesauce.
Shana Tova!
Maybe it is because I don’t watch Dexter, but I so see someone older in the role of Abraham–maybe Harrison Ford, in full beard. Wasn’t Sarah like 100 or something when she had Isaac? If I had a baby that old….well, I’m beginning to understand where Abraham was coming from.
Have a happy and healthy 5771, Ann.
At first I thought this was going to be about the lost “Rough Love On The High Seas” episode of The Love Boat…
this was waaay better.
Plus no Charo
and that Trader Joes Burgundy Pepper Boneless Lamb Leg sounds wicked awesome.
And 5771 upside down is ILLS
I don’t know what the hell that means
just something cool to show the kids on your calculator.
I love this post so much. You ever read Christopher Moore’s “The Gospel According to Biff: Christ’s Childhood Pal”?
You would LOVE it.
I learn so much every time I visit here. Yet, still questions…like what the hell was that Dexter show all about? Is a Lego racer different than a regular Lego car? And what will I find when I google “5771”?
And this is why I want to be Jewish. Love the stories – the drama! the pain! the tears! the burnt offerings!
Trader Joe’s can bring a family back from the brink of anything.
Great post.
I feel a little less guilty now for not going to services. Okay, so it’s been like eight years, but this post gives me a pass, right?
And this is way better than the stuff Rabbi Weinberg tells us about. Every dang year.
Shana Tova, Ann.
Being a lapsed christian and more recently a lapsed Unitarian I know very few biblical stories, but for SOME reason this one sticks out. I liked your modern retelling; it felt a little dusty. Happy new year and many Lego racers to you and yours!
As my husband always so wisely sums up all Jewish holidays… We were oppressed. We overcame. Let’s eat.
L’shana Tova my friend!
I vote for Hugh Laurie as Abraham.
With the whole messing around taking forever to get the altar just right, I’m pretty sure Abraham was stalling.
And what about that poor goat or whatever that he snags at the last minute when God says, “just kidding!” I mean, that thing was just hanging around, chewing nettles, minding its own business, and then Sorry, your number’s up. Cheez.
Happy New Year to You!
Loved this interpretation. Am sending it to my sister who has a son named Isaac.
Happy New Year. May this year be full of promise and success and no slayings, or even slaying preparations.
That’s an awesome conclusion you came up with. XXOO