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Take a Break From Doom-Scrolling. Listen to Our Funny New Podcast.

    The news in Israel and Gaza is devastating. Maybe you’re grieving like I am. I hope you drink water, go gently, and take time to enjoy your life despite it all. My old (but SO YOUNG) humor blogging besties Mariana Olenko, author Wendi Aarons, and I launched a new podcast that might help take your mind off things for 30 or 40 minutes. Titled “It’s Pronouned Mem-WAH,” Mariana, Wendi, and I read and discuss celebrity memoirs. It’s fun, lighthearted, occasionally thoughtful, and we laugh a lot. I hope you will, too. A PODCAST BY NON-FAMOUS… Read More »Take a Break From Doom-Scrolling. Listen to Our Funny New Podcast.