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Get Unstuck and Coach With Me

    “The tools that Ann gave me, and worked through with me, have produced an actual plan and map for achieving two goals that have been on my “to-do” list for years. Having a plan (that I’ve already started implementing) has removed a huge weight from my shoulders and helped alleviate the guilt I felt for never reaching these goals.” — Sherry Carr-Smith, I got unstuck. I can help you do the same for yourself. What I love to do in the creative realm and who I am fundamentally (let’s call this my character strengths)… Read More »Get Unstuck and Coach With Me

    It’s On Us: For White People Who Want to Fight Racism in Madison and Everywhere

      Last night, as the country watched Darren Wilson not get indicted and not face a trial for Mike Brown’s death, I saw plea after plea online from Black friends and peers–people of color in my life imploring their white counterparts to SPEAK UP. I saw a lot of fear from white people about saying the wrong thing, about feeling helpless in the face of the enormity of the problem, and fear over the vicious responses received for those who do raise their voices. Discussion ensued over people considering if and how to speak up, and… Read More »It’s On Us: For White People Who Want to Fight Racism in Madison and Everywhere