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Story Time

    Instead of writing a post this week, I’m going to read you one. Then a whole bunch of young people will serenade you with their angelic voices. Finally, I will feed you grapes, fan you, and swaddle you. Really. It’s no trouble.

    If you haven’t already, please go watch some of the other Listen To Your Mother videos. Los Angeles videos will be up soon!

    Have a great week.

    0 thoughts on “Story Time”


      Truly, I couldn’t control the tears these young ladies brought to my eyes.

      They added such a surrealness to the day.

      I hope their parents can see them here.

    2. Ann – that is one of my absolute favorites pieces of writing from you (I know I say this a lot), but it soooo struck a chord in me. I am stuck in the monotony of plies but you give me such hope!

      You looked gorgeous – and all the jokes sounded even better out loud! The Nutcracker – HA!

    3. You had that crowd laughing so much! No surprise there. You crack me up all the time. I love how you made the switch from something so funny to something so touching. Loved it! Also? I love your shirt and your hair. Pretty!