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Sconnie VLOG Saturday Night!

    “Sconnie” = slang for Wisconsinite

    Hilarious Blogging Divas Jessica-Bern-This and Amy-Bitchin’-Wife and I all VLOG today about how we enjoy spending our weekend nights…

    0 thoughts on “Sconnie VLOG Saturday Night!”

    1. So in Wisconsin you can get beer to drink out of a boot? You just made Georgia sound so elegant.

      But you won’t see me vlogging. My southern accent makes me sound like I was raised in a barn.

    2. Yep, Wisconsin has it all!!! And I’ve done most all those things. We still come back for the State Fair. Lame, I know.

      You look amazing.

    3. Polka? Can you Polka AND karaoke? THAT would be fun. I LOVE bunko.. I wish I lived closer to you all cause as I am sure you know drunken bunko is a BLAST!

      Have you ever watched “Bobby’s World” If not.. youtube it. You sound just like Bobby’s mom.

      On your next vlog… can you do me a favor and say “this place is a gee golly madhouse donta know?”

      Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT making fun.. but the second I heard your voice.. Bobby’s work cam into my head

      Ok OK I’m going stop throwing shit at me.

      I love ya you know that

    4. Hey, Sconnie-Girl! We gotta date to make some Hot Pockets later, don’t we? Hmmm-MMM! And I might just have to get you a boot of beer for your birthday! Yeeee-HaaaaW.

      Brilliant, as usual! 🙂 xoxo

    5. Found you through Amy this morning and high-tailed it over here to watch your video. You people know how to party out there in Wisconsin. My Saturday nights are more filled with good-clean-fun, as described by Jessica in her vlog. Maybe I should break out of my shell a bit and give the beer in the boot a try. Sounds like fun!

      Great vlog.


    6. Amy sent me over and ha ha ha! I have heard of the infamous Ann of Ann’s Rants but my lazy ass has never made it over here until now. 🙂

      I kinda wanna live in Wisconsin after hearing this – the beer out of the boot really really sold me.


    7. I’m close to speechless and that doesn’t happen often …

      However, I am also from the UP (Michigan) and we would eat pasties and play euchre on a Saturday night. I’m sans vlog, so you will have to imagine the yooper accent …

    8. Oh man, am I going to have to v-log a reply?

      But you – The accent, the awesome bad mommy hair, the hot pink room, you are courageous and gorgeous!

      Who doesn’t drink beer out of a boot?

    9. Oh, my God, I just had a flashback to every North Dakota family reunion I’ve ever been forced to attend. Dontchaknow.

    10. Oh….this is so…so…so…oh I have no words. You are so hilarious! Hmmm…wonder if this vlog entry will show up at a future class reunion…what was it that you were voted most likely to do????? Hee, hee…I can still see the darling picture!

      Ya der hey….

    11. What I meant by “bad” was actually supposed to mean “sexy”. I got nervous that it wasn’t translating well, so I had to come back and clarify what I meant. You have sexy hair. I’ll stop now.

    12. OMG you are soooo skinny and pretty!

      It sounds like I moved to the wrong place! We don’t really pahk our cah in hahvad yahd year in MA, but the locals do go to Chahhhdonnay’s on route 44 for Mahhhgaritas.

      I have to do a vlog at some point but I can’t find a room that’s not messy.

    13. That was very good. Wisconsin does sound like tons of fun. I was visiting Madison many years ago , but it was during Halloween, so it really was quite a madhouse.

    14. Hey there, I just dropped in via a link on Not A Science Geek. Love the Vlog. Beer out of a BOOT? Why don’t you Vlog that one?! lol.