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Read My First Novel!

    I actually wrote this in 1982 (at age 8), as opposed to all my other kid-voice stuff that strives to sound like it was written in 1982 (at age 8). My Dad and I alternated writing in the book.

    The Girl Who Had ESP
    By Ann Krinsky
    Copyright 1982. Co-author, My Dad.
    Randall School Publishing Company

    Chapter One
    One Rainy Day Robin was peering out her window, and she saw something. Not really Outside but in her mind! Robin was scared, but then her Mother calmed her down and said “It’s just probably your Imagination.” But Robin knew it wasen’t!

    “It’s twelve-o-clock” said Robin’s mother “Time for lunch.” Robin went downstairs. at lunch all she did was pick at her food [editors note: I believe the phrase “pick at her food” was lifted directly from a Ramona book]

    “What’s wrong”? asked her Mother.
    “Oh nothing” said Robin
    “Well it’s got to be some thing!” Said her Mother. “I don’t want to tell” said robin.
    “Then I suppose Its none of my bussiness” said Mother. “Mom can I take canoe lessons?”
    “Well I’ll think about” said Robin’s Mom. “They start in May.” (It was now april)
    “The cost is 3 dollers a month”
    “Well I don’t know” said mother
    “I’ll pay 5$ of it.” said Robin
    “That’s to far ahead to think about said robin’s Mom. “Why Do you want to take them anyway?
    “Well theres going to be a canoe race in august, and I want to get In Shape for it.
    “Time to do the dishes From lunch.” said Robin’s Mother “I hate doing dishes” said Robin
    “Well you will have to”!
    “Oh well”
    Mom can I invite Sally Over? Yes, I guess I’ll call her. When Sally got to my house Me and Sally Played Jacks, ball, house, and dolls. Then sally had to go home. Suddenly Robin saw her mother in her mind she was getting ready for some kind of holiday, like a wedding. The rest of the day went slow, all Robin did was sit and look at the other kids playing ball. But of course Robin had to do choers!

    A couple months went by and Robin’s Mother anounced That there was going to be a wedding. Robin was very ecsited! “Mom” said Robin “I’v got to tell you somthing” “What?” asked Robin’s Mother. “Well I’v bean having visions,” and there relly scary” said Robin. “I guess it was not your Imagination” said Robin’s Mother. “That it, I’m taking you to the docter!” said Robin’s Mother. In half an Hour they were at the docters office. “Brin the pacint in” said Dr. Kasly [editors note, great pseudonym for Dr. Koslov, also my Mom remarried in1984, so either I actually had ESP, knew about her wedding, or perhaps I was just processing my Dad’s remarriage in 1981. Welcome to my personal blog!]
    Robin went inside with her Mother. “nothings Wrong with her, But I think she’s got ESP!” Said Dr. Kasly.

    Chapter Two
    “I’v got to get ready for my first canoe leson” said Robin. “Remember your taking the bus.” said Robins Mother.

    I Know“!
    Well Then go to
    The Bus
    Said Robin’s Mother.
    O.K.” I said

    [Editor’s Note: I did, in fact, take Madison Metro everywhere–at age 8]

    My Dad’s Chapter
    So, Robin went to the bus, and took it to the park. She got off and went to the canoe place for her lesson. What a surprise she got when she discovered that the numbers and letters on the canoe said RUESP. All Robin could say was, “yes”, but she was a little scared.

    Robin practiced her canoe lessons for three hours so that she would be ready for the big race.

    On the day of the race Robin paddled to the middle of the lake, and much to her surprise, the canoe which she thought was going to lead the race, had two people and a rabbi in it, and a wedding ceremony was going on. She was a little scared, but she knew that when you go canoeing you sometimes get wed. What she didn’t expect to see was that the groom was Dr. Kasly, the bride was her mother, and the rabbi was Sally’s dad.

    Robin was happy about it, although she was shocked that she hadn’t been told. All of a sudden she would have Dr. Kasly as a step-Dad. She knew though that everything would be ok, so she paddled her canoe away and won the race.

    [Editors note: My mom did not marry Dr. Koslov. They never even dated that I am aware of]

    0 thoughts on “Read My First Novel!”

    1. I absolutely love this novel. I am going to recommend it to my Book Club. I feel that your father had a little writing talent, as well. Dr. Kasly as a step-Dad, huh? xo

    2. I think the spelling was innovative. I don’t think I had sufficient literary skills at age 8 to write a paragraph much less a whole story/novel.

      So… you were a child prodigy!

    3. Goddam I hate choers! Robin’s Mother seems really on top of things and keen to keep her family on schedule, though.

      You know, there’s a Ramona and Beezus MOVIE coming out- and there’s no one I’d rather see it with than Ann.

    4. Oh, and if my post well keeps running dry, I may have to totally copy off of you and post “Ringling Rats,” my award-winning piece about three rodent brothers who started a circus. Summer Writing Contest winner at my public library in the summer of 1981. Because who doesn’t love a rodent circus?

    5. Your parents must be so proud!

      This is brilliant and I now have to go foraging for a couple stories that I wrote back in 6th and 7th grade… Why? Because I want to be like you, of course!! 🙂

    6. This novel has everything! ESP! Public transportation! Rabbis in boats! Secret weddings! Exclamation points!

      I’m going to read this to my kids tonight. Brilliant.

    7. LOVE.

      And it occurs to me now, when writing in a kid voice the more authentic way to do so is to include lots! of! exclamation! points! Too funny.

      Glad you won the race.

    8. Pingback: Surprise! My kids do not want to be my pen pals!