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Plagarized, Bastardized, French-Canadianized!

    Now you know that I’m the master of my blog domain (I bought my domain name). Today I admit to Googling myself. I’m learning not to feel ashamed–that it’s perfectly natural–and I’m hoping it’s not the cause of the warts on my hands.

    After Googling “anns rants” I came across one of my recent posts on Wedding Vows: Un blog utilisant Le Blogue du Québec. Ooh, fancy! It seemed like my post at first. They used my blog title and the correct post name, but after that things got hinky. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t link back to my blog, and the poseur knew how to hyperlink as evidenced by all the random linkage within the post. Had my piece been remotely in tact might’ve felt ripped-off, but I quickly felt no desire to claim ownership of this version. I will only subject you to a sample of the bloggy freakdom I encountered. If you want to see the entire side show click here.

    Bastardized Plagarized French-Canadianified Sample:

    Beloved allay, on the arrange of our upcoming Tenth Wedding Anniversary I would like to aver I attachment you, I like you, and I declare the following benevolently if and only if you competition my free vows!!When I impediment you sleep-in, you call the prime enthusiastically within ten minutes of down in the mouth prodding. Ok, again this includes unintentional toddler ball-slam but hey, it’s a scads easier than a vasectomy. No no my Dear One, twenty minutes is far beyond my mommy-go-psycho self-satisfaction age. Accept the defiance and we appropriate in the accommodation of Buddies and prepared in the accommodation of an inveigle tote evening bag!Your glasses are down in the mouth. It’s a defiance gift. Again.

    Compare with a sample my original post:

    Beloved husband, on the occasion of our upcoming Tenth Wedding Anniversary I would like to say I love you, I like you, and I vow the following benevolently if and only if you match my generous vows!!

    When I let you sleep-in, you greet the day enthusiastically within ten minutes of gentle prodding. Ok, sometimes this includes unintentional toddler ball-slam but hey, it’s a lot easier than a vasectomy. No no my Dear One, twenty minutes is far beyond my “mommy-go-psycho” grace period. It’s a challenge grant. Accept the challenge and we become “Buddies” and earn an incentive tote bag!

    Now, I appreciate the gems “down-in-the-mouth prodding” and “Your glasses are down in your mouth, it’s a defiance gift, again” I only rue a missed opportunity for some fine bloggy collaboration. Quel something-or-other! [insert appropriate french phrase]


    Thanks once again to Roshni from Not A Science Geek for this Awe-Summm award. Go read her piece to her son Aayush to sweeten your day.

    Thank you so much to Marinka from Motherhood in NYC for including Motivational Pooper on her sidebar list of Posts she “really really likes like Sally Field” Marinka blogs funny–really really funny–every. single. day.

    Thank you again to Meghan from Mama’s Cup for the awesome tote bag I won from her giveaway. It’s much hipper than my other tote bags. Especially the Mary Englebright one (shudder).

    See you Friday for FAF!

    0 thoughts on “Plagarized, Bastardized, French-Canadianized!”

    1. I am so glad you gave both versions. I had large hardship converting that olio of wording into less nonsensibility for my brainmatter.

    2. Clearly whoever ripped off your post is an English-language learner. I do not think that they grew up speaking any version of English that I have ever heard. How completely weird and random.

      The last time I googled my name, I came up with several links to topics on “Francesca needs help.” I’m not sure whether the universe was trying to tell me something, but I didn’t do it again. 🙂


    3. I can never wrap my brain around blogs being plagerized – and a love letter for Pete’s sake!

      Kudos to you for giving linky love though 🙂

    4. Oh, Ann, this is the absolute best! If you took your post, ran it through a French translator program and then back into an English translator program, I’ll bet that’s what you would get.

      I personally have a hard time calling the prime enthusiastically, unless I’ve had at least nine hours of sleep. But that’s just me.

      The question is not what, or even who… but WHY? And how do I get myself on that train? I want someone to mess with my stuff. Maybe not the French. But Italian… that would be fantastic!

      Oh, what a great way to start the day! Thanks!



    5. Oh boy! So i’m AGAIN embarrassed by “my people”… I am French Canadian, I moved to the US 13 years ago and I really am at a loss for word…What were they attempting? LOL If you are looking to send an email if for nothing else than to tell them to at least link up to your page i’d be glad to translate it for you… Bunch of weirdos up there I tell ya!

    6. Being French Canadian, I have to admit that was hilarious. And being French Canadian, I have the right to say: Stupid Frogs! Where did that translation come from?! Mon Dieu!! I ran your English post through Babel Fish (although most internet translation sites cannot be relied upon) and, suprisingly, it translated quite well. Not perfect, but certainly recognizable compared to your original post. So whoever translated that from French doesn’t speak English either. And given that it’s a Quebec-based blog, that doesn’t suprise me.

    7. The “down in the mouth prodding” had me rolling – I knew it didn’t belong in the original! What an odd thing to find…

      Maybe I should google myself? And watch out for warts.

    8. wow! She must have had a thesaurus before her to try and substitute some of the words you used! Can’t have it down verbatim now, can we?!
      You should feel proud that some one liked your post so much they couldn’t resist copying it!!

      Thanks for the bloggy love..again and again!!

    9. That is definitely some freaking blog stuff going on.

      Now I might have to google myself…maybe I’d better not.

    10. OMG, some person commented on an old post of mine, that they had published said post on a different blog. I went to the other blog and found pretend links to my blog. I’m mad because on this blog are advertisements, which means they are making money off my writing! I guess I have to investigate WTF is going on. Very aggravating.
      I liked your original post much better!

    11. No flippin’ way. This would PISS me off. You should be (and probably are [not]) flattered. Imitation is the highest form.

      But c’mon, Canadia, really?!

    12. Truly, stunned into silence on this one. My day has come to a screeching halt and I must go google myself now. Glad you claimed your domain name before a pesky canadian thought to.

    13. You what it is don’t you? It’s Anns Rants Mad Libs French Canadian edition. Funny that you found it, but I guess nothing is hidden on the Internet.