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    I popped back into your reader to let you know my open letter “An Open Letter To The House of Pain” is up at McSweeney’s.

    Thanks so much to those who read and tweeted it yesterday. I really appreciate that.

    I hope you enjoy it and I’m feeling much better now.


    0 thoughts on “McSweeney’s”

    1. Oh, my gosh, congratulations! It would never even occur to me to try to submit something to McSweeney’s . . . but you did — and it WORKED! That’s awesome. On my way now to read it.

    2. Hi Anne,
      Your writer’s site looks great; the clip for “the Hr Dept.” is priceless, and I just love your blog. Thank you for introducing yourself to us at WOW!

    3. Okay. I just read that letter and I am totally freaked out not only from the pain you endured but how you were able to WRITE THAT LETTER with such fantastic smart words and funny phrases and all that Ann jazz! Hilarious and wonderful and what is wrong with me but who and what is McSweeney?


    4. Fer Chrissakes Ann, that shure wuz tramadical…
      It sounded like “A Night At The Jiffy-Lube”
      Did they give you a coupon book?
      you should go back for a follow up at Easter,purely for the entertainment value!

    5. I love McSweeney’s, and I’m super impressed with your letter. It was perfectly pitched. I’m so sorry you had to go through that — but it sure did make for a great post, huh? Glad to know you’re feeling better. (And did the shot itself work for the pain? My husband has had a couple of those, and they’ve been pretty successful.)

    6. wow…i’m glad i read this, bc i have clients who elect this procedure from time to time, and i want to be able to talk to them about it intelligently beforehand. so, thanks!

    7. Funny! and Mazel Tov! I hope my husband wasn’t the one to give you the injection. Please say you didn’t get it at St. Mary’s or Dean… Seriously, how many times do you have to tell people you don’t celebrate Xmas before they stop asking about it? Happy New Year– we’re expecting baby number 3 (girl) next month. Why do I say “we”– it’s not like I’m getting any help carrying the thing!

    8. Just popping over enshrine my congratulations forever on your blog. 🙂

      Seriously, though. I’m super proud of and excited for you. Congrats!

      xo Elizabeth