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Man’s Rants: from boy to Unfinished Rambler

    Welcome to another day of my Man’s Rants festival. Hope you’re enjoying these posts in my absence. Unfinished Rambler is a new bloggy friend I met over at He is very funny, and very generous with bloggy camaraderie. My kind of guy. Thanks, Rambler!

    Heart beats silly like a big bass drum
    By Unfinished Rambler

    Rod Stewart – Infatuation

    Oh, no, not again.

    Every guy has been there, done that, Rod.

    For me, my first infatuation walked in the door in second grade. Her name was Denise.

    Never mind that was buck-toothed or had braces. She was…NEW. That’s all I needed to know. All the other girls in my class were “old hat.”

    Later, she was the girl with whom I had my first kiss– in the barn. Not as unromantic as it sounds. It wasn’t where the cows were, but above them in the hay mow.

    My second infatuation was Kellie: Like Woody in Cheers, I couldn’t stop singing her praises even if it was spelled differently.

    In sixth grade, classes from our four rural elementary schools (grades 1 through 6) combined for an annual trip to Washington, D.C. It was there that I first saw her: blonde-haired vixen from another school. And when I say “vixen,” I mean this kind of Vixen (although this was before they even existed) and not this kind.

    I was on a bus at the Lincoln Memorial when I first spotted her, talking with a group of her female classmates. It was very patriotic. I still can feel the butterflies I felt then, if I think about it (and when I watch the Fourth of July fireworks from Washington on TV over the Mall) and when I saw her at our 10th, 15th and 20th reunions , I still felt those butterflies, for just a moment.

    My third infatuation upset my apple cart so bad that…

    …one summer when I was home from college, working at a convenience store job, I decided to skip going to work and instead go to confess my love to Gwen– who lived four hours away! She lived in an old farmhouse near the college and I thought for sure, she was The One.

    I didn’t get fired, but I did quit shortly after that. As weird as that was, looking back, I was glad I left the job– no, not that I was creepy like that– but because convenience store jobs suck (apologies to all you convenience store workers out there reading this; I don’t mean to dash your illusions).

    Worst part: I think I got there and she wasn’t there. All I remember ironically this song was playing on the radio of the living room of the farmhouse as I left:

    It stayed with me for the next four hours– ooh, ooh…

    0 thoughts on “Man’s Rants: from boy to Unfinished Rambler”

    1. Rambler
      Funny how you remember the songs that go along with the pain. I have one of those, now I can laugh about, but back in the day ouch! Love hurts!

    2. Frau: Too true. I can only think of one song not associated with pain: Walking on Sunshine and unfortunately, that’s with no one specific.

      Lisa: Actually not true what I said to Frau. I did find the one, my wife, Kim, and our song, “At Last” by Etta James. Much happier than that Nazareth song. 🙂

    3. Great musical walk down memory lane! Vixen… purrrrr. I knew that Vixen. Big hair rocks, man. Perfect post. And glad you met your Kim. Etta is a fantastic song. I met my Leslie. I think all the crap before was training for the right one, don’t you?



    4. I too remember hearing the damned Nazareth while being tormented by love. I can’t stomach that song even now, 30 years later.

      Great story. Thanks for the memories!


    5. Remember when it was romantic to wait, hidden, outside the house of the one you adored just hoping to get a glimpse of her? And how you followed her and tried to be everywhere she went hoping that she’d notice you?

      They now recognize it as stalking.

    6. I went to a wedding once and this song was played at the reception. Given who the couple was who had just gotten married, it was rather fitting.

    7. Spencer: Yes. All the crap is definitely training for the right one.

      IB: I can’t even bring myself to click on the video, to be honest. Argh.

      Douglas: Um, no, I don’t remember that at all (he says for the benefit of the FBI ;).

      Lisa: Thanks for your support, sister.

      Beth: Infatuation or Love Hurts? Either way, what a nice way to start a marriage. 🙂

    8. Oh yeah, I’m a big “I remember what was playing” kind of person– Terrific post! Thanks for sharing. I’m off to check out your blog. Nice to meet you!