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It’s Delurking Day! Let’s chat, shall we? [Edited: 1$ per comment for Haiti]

    Inspired by @OHMommy (Pauline of Classy Chaos) I am donating 1$ per commentor to the Haitian relief effort. I will cap at $100. If anyone wants to match my funds email me at

    Husband and I have learned a few things during our 13 years together:

    1. We don’t know each other as well as we thought.
    2. We don’t know each other at all.
    3. Who the hell are you?

    Readers, you and I have learned a few things during our 13 (ok 15) months together:
    1. I think I’m pretty funny
    2. If you’re still reading this you think I’m kinda funny. Maybe even HaHa Funny.
    3. Are you still reading this?

    So, it’s Delurking Day and I wish to hear from you. Consider it bloggy feedback. Would you like me to come off stage, do a few neck rolls and just hang loose with you? Can I answer any questions? No, you may not see my spoon-thumbs. Yes, despite being vehemently anti church and state, I did once play the virgin Mary in the state capitol rotunda. Sue me. IT WAS THE LEAD.

    You! You in the back with the ANNSRANTSDANCE! sign? Yes? Pretell? Oh. You just want me to dance. Got it.

    Hammer!Hammer! I AM. Hammer! They put me in the mix!

    **please delurk.really. this is exhausting. Leave a comment. Ask A Question. Emoticon. High 5?

    0 thoughts on “It’s Delurking Day! Let’s chat, shall we? [Edited: 1$ per comment for Haiti]”

    1. I am delurking, as requested. I think you are funny as H E Double hockeysticks and I have fairly high standards for funny. I found you through anymommy. I’m at adayjustliketoday but I’m a newbie.

    2. Does it count as delurking if I’ve never lurked here before?

      Stumbled here and laughed out loud enough to elicit a comment out of my lazy fingers.

      I’ll have to come here more often and lurk to make up for my delurking post.

      Nice to meet you. Thanks for making a worn out mommy end my day with a laugh.

    3. I don’t know if it counts as delurking when I’ve commented here before…but what the heck, hey there!

      Also, I believe it was a comment I made on your blog that led Someone to find my blog, which led to all kinds of truly cosmic happiness going on here at Casa de Crazy, so…cheers!!

      Shade and Sweetwater,

    4. Hi!
      I love finding a blog with my type of humor! It is great. I’m just starting in the blog world. Still learning, and you are hilarious! Thanks!

    5. Hi! I was thinking of doing a book report on this awesome book called “Yiddish for Babies.” Ever heard of it? 🙂

      Seriously, that book is hilarious and my boys have new names they are using for each other. At least I know that deep down, they really do love each other.

    6. so you just think you can wield your power like a garden hose (not sure that was the appropriate simile or even a simile at all. God help me, my grammar has disappeared into a large black hole) and your minions will come out to play?

      seems to have worked pretty well! i wonder if my minions (if i had minions) would do me the same honor.

    7. If this showed up in my reader AFTER delurking day – does that mean I’m off the hook?

      Who decides when it’s delurking day anyway? Is there some kind of committee? And if I start seeing it on my calendar, does that make it a Federal holiday? Or is it more like Valentines Day or Teacher Appreciation Day? In that case, I blame Hallmark.

      So much to consider…you always make me think, Ann.

    8. Hi Ann. I’m here. Always. I just cant get out of my reader, it’s so cozy there. Tell me what motivates you to click out of your reader to comment?

    9. I invented an emoticon just for your blog today!


      I won’t bother explaining it because its meaning is soooo obvious, I know.




    10. I do not consider myself a lurker. I post comments when I have anything to add to your hilarity.

      Like: I’ve been married for twenty seven years. And I still wake up to a stranger regularly.

    11. You already know i think you are hysterical. You BETTER stay on the stage! I always love the references to the Jewish stuff – especially when they are combined with embarrassing memories from grade/high school. I relate to so much of what you say which is why you consistently have me laughing out loud. And I often forward your posts along to friends/family.

      I always comment to you directly but will try to post my comments for all to see instead so I can be a more public lurker 🙂

    12. As usual I’m a day late and a dollar short for this delurking thing. But for a buck I’ll do pretty much anything. I’m all cheap and usable like that. So – HAI, Haiti. Get better soon.

      (P.S. I think it should be noted that NOBODY de-lurked on my blog yesterday at all. Including you.)

    13. Yo. Yeah, you caught me. I’m definitely a devout lurker, usually b/c I don’t have anything clever to say. You’d know that if you read my bloggy.
      Ha…nice trick, huh? You’re just dying to go take a look, aren’t ya? Today’s a good day for some eye-candy.

    14. I’m commenting again just to make you spend another dollar. And here’s a thought: JUST SEND THE $100 AND STOP MAKING US WORK FOR IT.

    15. Hot diggity…am I delurking…Am I lurking???? I’m always here…scary isn’t it. Well I’ve known you for how many years now??? I know you a little better now..but what has remained the same since the day we first met??? I still want your awesome hair… Yes…I know, I’m annoying. But as a gal with the Jewess curly hair that gets nasty frizzy…you Jewess with the gorgeous shiny beautiful hair…well…I’m jealous.

      Okay…I’ll go now. Hope to see you soon! And seriously…I’m not that I??? AM I???

      Okay then.

      And yes…I had a crap-load-of-caffine again today…and no sleep last night…

    16. I found you ages ago through Jessica Bern, and yet I rarely comment. I don’t know why??

      I find it exceedingly hilarious that a Jew played the Virgin Mary. Unless I’m completely merging you and Jessica in my mind, and you *aren’t* actually Jewish, in which case: good job on the lead, Christian woman! Hah.

      Also, I’m giving away free stuff on my blog this weekend, but not quite as selflessly as you, since the gift card would buy food to put in *your* tummy and NOT the people of Haiti’s tummy. And maybe I should have made this 10 comments so I’d feel less bad about that.

    17. You made me delurk-I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to do it. You made me delurk-and all the time you knew it. I guess you always knew it. (as sung to the tune of a song you’re probably too young to know)

      But a buck is a buck.

      And P.S. Have been married 29 years. But I love the guy anyway. (Pull!)

    18. i’ve just had the chance to read some of the blogs in my reader. long week, little sleep, didn’t delurk as much as i wanted.

      anyhoo – hi. i hope you’re warm. keep it up. i’m glad i found you.

    19. Sweet Jesus look at all these friggin comments! I suppose I’ll throw mine in as well, even though I’m a few days late. I’ll admit, I lurk here more often than not. I always read your posts, but comment only occasionally. Why is that? Hell if I know.

      Regardless, you crack me up with your goofy sense of humor so, I’ll keep reading/lurking and sometimes even commenting. So, there you go.

    20. Uh, I am Becky, keeper of all things pink and sparkly. I’m hoping to get the band back together any day now but will settle for the DISCO band because I lack musical talent. Want to join my band? We’re merry pranksters, my band.

    21. well sheesh! I come around because I think you are haha funny and I’ll never forget meeting you at Blogher…. although I’m ashamed to say I don’t always leave comments. so there…. commented!