I don’t know if you heard but I was named:
Least Flexible Child to Have Ever Taken Ballet Class In The History of Mankind
Most Ethical Person for the Treatment of Citric Acid Candy
Chairman of The Board of Federal Can’t-Quote-Anything
Top Representative for Parents Against Fake Crying
American Chin Association Posterwoman
Qualifying Member of Mothers Swearing like Sailors Among Girlfriends
Midwest Internet People Honoree
(awarded) A One-Hour Chip for Same-Status-Update-Multiple-Platforms Recovery. Chip was subsequently retracted…
Babble’s Funniest Top 50 Twitter Mom of 2011. Thank you Babble! Most shocks are not pleasant, but this one sure was. So honored to be included among these awesome tweeps (tweeps is annoying for “person who tweets” which is annoying for “person who uses Twitter”).
Also, Some ridiculously overdue thanks to:
To the lovely and talented Liz from Peace, Love, Guacamole for giving me the closest thing I will get to a Sanskrit Tattoo:
Never mind the fact that Husband has a co-worker on his project right now named Tami Taylor. If you don’t know which Tami Taylor this refers to, you have not watched Friday Night Lights and you need to rectify that immediately. Thanks Liz!! You should watch Liz’s beautiful reading “The Cord” from LTYM:Austin last Spring.
Also, thank you to Lisa from Seeking Elevation for this award. She’s smart, funny, and a talented writer. Check out her blog.
Have a great weekend everyone.
LOVE That! I started watching her new show on FX only because I miss Tami!
I’m a shoe-in for next year’s chin award. Congrats!!
Wait – how is this possible? Didn’t that guy Dan send you an e-mail telling you that you’re NOT funny? Guess Babble didn’t get the memo.
Love this list and LOVE FNL. I watched the last two episodes a week ago (on a Friday night no less – not planned) and I’m feeling a bit bereft. I have never wanted a man in belted shorts so much in my life (or um – ever). I’ll miss those Taylors!
You know I laughed when I got to the end of this post, right?
Pointy chins are the new boob jobs.
Kudos on the award! You deserve it!
If you ever need help I’d love to be a part of parents against Fake Crying. Its a very worthwhile organization!
You are very, very important on this side of my computer as well. Congratulations!!!
I laughed when I got to the end of this post, too. Congrats!
Congratulations Ann!
I was way ahead of Babble on that one!
(I, too, have ‘the sticker’. It makes me happy, but I wish there was a ‘ya’ll’ at the end)
I just read these to Ryan. He said he couldn’t marry someone like you because he’d be less funny and that would make him feel bad.
he was joking. of course.
Congrats on the Babble honor – much deserved!!
And what is that sticker stuck on – a space ship?
Chairman of The Board of Federal Can’t-Quote-Anything
I volunteer to be Secretary. As long as I don’t have to quote you.
Congratulations, Ann! You’re so not a tweep, but you are funny on Twitter. Yes, they are two different things, as you well know. xxoo
Parents Against Fake Crying – yes!
And congrats on Babble, you awesome tweep, you. I’m eating a bag of sourpatch kids in your honor.
Kudos on the Babbly Top 50! That’s awesome.
And I love “Parents Against Fake Crying”.
xo jj
I must have that sticker. LOVE IT.
Congrats lady. You deserve it. xo
American Chin Association Posterwoman
Nu unh uhn uh.
That title would be mine.
I’ve seen you: we can’t even co-chin.
It’s me, all the way.
Wasn’t the Midwest Internet People banquet amazing! You rocked your speech. xo
Congrats on your award, and your immense importance!
Love, love, love Tami Taylor and all her wisdom. I still crave that show every Friday Night. Coach Taylor has been all over the fundraising for the Central Texas wildfires around here and I know I should be focused on helping those affected by the tragedy, but all I keep thinking is how great it is to see Eric again.
Well there’s a well deserved award! The Babble one, of course. 😉
Tami Taylor I do not know. But I know Ann and she is a funny lady.
Even if I don’t understand a single word she wrote.
Um, I need that sticker, poster…whatever it is. That is just awesome.
I meant my tweet – I enjoy you so much!
DANG it.
I totally fake cry to my kids. Except I use real tears and am often really crying.
And it works. No joke.
(They are in middle school so older than yours. Try it in a decade. Maybe.)
I’m a New York Jew who moved to the South 3 years ago and my motto has always been “what would Tami do” We’re such intimate friends I leave out the Taylor 🙂
This motto has helped me in countless situations as I’m a total social spaz and klutzy in every other area also