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I’m Feeling More Funny, Less Slutty This Month

    A special thanks to Jacki Schklar, producer, and originator of the Funny Not Slutty network for posting my “Safety Tips for Women From My MIL” on the Main page for March. Go ahead, click and scroll down…there they are! Go ahead and join while you visit. Its a network dedicated to comedy for women created by female producers, writers, humorists and comedians.


    A big thanks goes to Rachel over at A Reservation For Six for this bloggy badge:

    Rachel and I only met recently in the blogosphere. She parents four, YES FOUR, adorable kids and sponsors body-hair growing contests over at her place. Obviously she is more funny less hairy, or she could never joke about debilitating unwanted hair growth.


    Finally, I wanted to welcome Mama back to the set of Mamatalk. She was on strike all last week, and while I enjoyed all the press coverage, I feel relieved to have another Mama back in the blogosphere. Congratulate her on her salary increase–six figures! $000,000

    0 thoughts on “I’m Feeling More Funny, Less Slutty This Month”

    1. My raise was actually 7 figures. I believe a Zero million has 7 figures. Just sayin’….

      Congrats on the feature!! I will go check it out. It sounds hysterical!

    2. It’s important to fight for what you believe in. Gaining a six digit salary from her strike is a powerful thing.

      I’m going to read your Slutty post. I loved saying that.

    3. What a great site, hadn’t seen it until now. And look at you, out there on the front page, all funny not slutty like.

      Unfortunately I do beleive I probably fall more on the slutty side, but I joined anyway.

    4. You’re welcome, Ann! You deserve the badge!

      I’d love to join you over there, but I’m wondering if having the 4 kids makes me more slutty than funny?

    5. A hair growing contest!!! Wow that is a novel idea! I mean sure, us women grow beards and stuff but still!!!

      YAY for you!!! Your so funny I can’t stand it!! I am LOLOLOLOLOL and I can’t stop!!!!

    6. Just read your post over at Funny, not Slutty.
      Love it! Great stuff!

      Thanks for letting me poke fun during my writer’s strike. Let me tell ya, it’s amazing how far you can stretch a zero these days! 😉