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I’m A Meatiac

    Definition: noun. Insult. Slur. Defamatory remark aka “name calling” i.e. “Mommy’s a meatiac”

    Etymology: “meanie/maniac” hybrid, with preschool word-confusion evolution

    Uses: often combined with gender inappropriate pronoun as in “Hey MISTER you’re a MEATIAC, Mommy” in times of duress such as time out and unnecessary pants enforcement during mealtime.

    formal Taunt conjugation: Can also be chanted “Mommy’s a MEATIAC, Mommy’s a MEATIAC”


    0 thoughts on “I’m A Meatiac”

    1. Those look like meat cleavers mom’s got for hands. I can empathize with the litle ones in this case. I mean, if it’s true and all, that you’re like a Edward Scissorhands or somethin’. Poor kids must be so confused.

    2. I often wonder if this is the etymology of a large number of words in the English language.

      We have more than most languages, by an order of magnitude. And so many of them are just slightly different from another one. Child’s play, most likely.

    3. that is very funny. You look like mama scissorhands in the pic

      Btw.,.. @annsrants that was a DIFFERENT one “Jennifer Slept Here” Damn woman you are making me feel old here!

    4. You look like an angel meatiat!
      Strange, we have the same unnecessary pants enforcement at the dinner table too. Also the keep the hands out of the pants rule too.

    5. My six year old calls grilled pork loin “pig breast.” I’m sure Mister and I are meatiacs in his book. If we say something he doesn’t like, that means we’re “liars.”

    6. My BFF’s kid was learning to ride a bike and it was time to go home but he didn’t want to ride the bike, he wanted HER to push the bike while he walked, for whatever reason (I don’t know, he was like 5 so of course none of it made any sense). Anyway, he threw this big fit when she told him he had to take the bike home himself, HUGE tantrum at the park, she was embarrassed but held her ground. Finally he gave up, jumped on the bike, then started pedaling toward home as fast as he could, leaving her in his dust. And over his shoulder, he shouted– “SO LONG, MEANIE!!”

      I love this story. Meanie. Awesome. I can’t wait for my kid to be old enough to call me a meanie or meatiac or whatever new thing he comes up with. It’s like a badge of honor or something.