From now until Blogher, I’m considering a simple mental Rolodex system for my comments. I plan to visualize your blog and my comment, commit it to memory, and then scroll through my brain to retrieve and deliver the comment directly to you at Blogher.
[doodaloo doodaloo doodaloo flash forward]
Hi, I’m Patty of Patty Cake Patty Cake, Baker’s Blog
Hi, I’m Ann. This comment was removed by author
Hi, I’m Bwana of Bloggers love Bwana
Hi, I’m Ann. Eggs, Bread, Yogos…shit, sorry Bwana, that’s my grocery list…er, um, UR Bwanariffic!
Hi, I’m Jane from Hottest Mommy In Bloggyville
Hi, I’m Ann. Hey, awesome headlights!! I MEAN header.
Hi, I’m Chase from Daddy Does Dishes
Hi, I’m Ann. Disable your comment verification.
Hi I’m Laura from FunnyFunnyHaHa
Hi, I’m Ann. Enable your email response so I can LMAO.
Greetings, I’m Sue from Giving It All Away
Hi, Ann I’m Sue. I mean, hi Sue, I’m Ann. (insert Russian Rebus)
Yo Sister, I’m Denise from Googling as I Go
Yo Denise, I have modern furniture you like review on blog?
Hello, I’m Janelle from Eatin’ Prayin’ and Lovin’
Hi Janelle, metoometoometoo OMG I’m SO LIKE THAT.
Hi I’m Lydia from
HEY LYDIA! I’M ANN and UR so talented. TOTALLY following. Yes, I’d love the 80s compilation CD and I should win the giveaway because I voted for Walter Mondale in the Randall School Election. It was a landslide win for Mondale except for Jennifer who voted Republican. Her family were the only Republicans that anyone had ever met and. LYDIA?? Lydia? Come back? You’ve totally got to come over and read my post on this. Anyway…blalalalalalalalala…
If you don’t plan on attending the Extroverted Estrogen Extravaganza familiarly knows as Blogher, I guess I will carry your comment with me on the off chance we meet on the street someday.
**new profile photo courtesy of Husband and his mad photography/photoshop skeeelz
Hi I’m Kathy also known as Frau, when I picked Frau I lived in Utah and was moving to Germany. Thought it was catchy, now I’m in Germany it’s so lame! Love the know profile picture!
Hi! I’m Lady Fi and as no one has yet offered to fly me first-class to Blogher, I’ll have to hope that we meet up on the street…
Hi. Not going to BlogHer. But I like your blog and follow it religiously. Boo ya.
Hi. I’m Beth and I’m an alco…
Oh, my bad! I love the new photo. I wish I were going to Blogher. Damn work gets in the way.
You have to step into the future Ann, you should have red digital readout scrolling in your vision like Arnold in Terminator…
Peace – Rene
Good luck. I bet Blogher will be a blast.
Hi I’m Patti aka Dizzblnd from Soggy-doggy-Bloggy, I am your BIGGEST fan. Well besides Amy. You have cracked me up sing I first discovered you I think you are a great person and VERY funny. But you know all that. That is a lot to memorize so just pick out your favorite
I am so glad you get to go! I am happy for all of you that can go even though I can’ make it. I can’t wait to read all about it. I’ll bet you are so excited!
see… that’s why I shouldn’t be blogging before coffee.. I meant since not sing GAH
Hi, I’m Christy, I’m going to BlogHer and am simultaneously nervous and excited…Love that new pic – gorgeous.
You’re Hawt!
You lost me after “U Rawk” – this inability of mine to advance past LOL-level texting isn’t surprising as I’ve never been able to decipher vanity license plates.
I won’t be at BlogHer – and now I’m even more sad about it. Maybe next year.
Hi I’m Roxane, I like long walks on the beach, red wine and rock concerts…
Oh wait, this isn’t a dating blog is it…
Regardless, I love the new picture 🙂
Funny post– GREAT NEW PICTURE! Have fun at Blogher!
Just for clarification… should we expect the initials LOL when you recite our commnets or will you use the words “laugh out loud?” Because I am a HUGE fan of people who actually say “LOL.” And by fan, I mean I want to punch them.
wow! What a pic! (totally ignoring your post coz I’m out of my league with these text messages-cum-twitter talkies!!!)
Too funny!
Sadly I will not be attending Blog Her. I’ll try to phone it in.
Love the picture!
Hi I’m Kim from
HI I”m jessica from alwaysdepressedwithabitofhappythrownin.
Hi, I’m Liz of TooBroketoGotoBlogHerBecauseMyDaughtersSpendAllMyHardEarnedMoney. . . .
Hi, I’m apparentlytheonlyguyreadingthispost…
Great Pic
No BlogHer here but I’d like to Blogyou!!!
Where the hell is MY COMMENT??????
okay, I’ll play along…
I’m vodkamom from imnotallowedtotellanyonewhoiamorwhereiamfromorwhatschooliteachinorwhereiliveoranything.justfixmeadrink
Hi, I’m RAS and you owe me a bottle of laptop-screen-cleaner.
(wish I was going!)
I’m too tired to play along… but your new photo is becoming legendary in the blogosphere so I had to comment : )
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