Welcome to FAF: Commentor’s Choice Edition! Thanks to all of my commentor contributors! I took at least one word from each comment. Sorry if you didn’t get a chance to comment, but I went to bed early. You guys rock for playing along, by the way. Here goes…I’ll try not to spit all over the microphone.
Floccinaucinhilipilification: Damn that html code.
Lamprophony: Technical patent for “The Clapper”
Indubidly: Indubidly Delicious! (anyone?)
Skymall: Godshop
Infarction: Gesundheit
Gazetteer: One of those kids from “Newsies”
Corpuscle: Enormous zit.
Tetrahedron: 84 ounce latte
Kohlrabi: Wolfgang Puck’s Peekapoo
Peace-Rene: Celine’s next single
Schmuck: An old boss comes to mind.
Oyfgeheytart: Oyf-derheydere (its a yiddish/UPer combo)
Schlofn: Schlofn Broc-co-lay, Schlofn Broc-co-lay, She was Schlofn, Shlofn bro-co-lay
Latitudinarian: Chaperon
Expantification: What Janie did.
Bicker: Title for the series remake of “Thirtysomething”
Floogle: Unintended yoga eruption
Cashcow: Reese Witherspoon
Facebook: Asspage
Amalgamation: Pixar’s newest technology involving abc gum
Nerds: Yes please.
Blunzer: Santa’s reindeer with one too many DUIs
Babaganoush: Jabba-The-Hut’s Lebanese cousin
Namaste: Nama, SIT. SIT Nama, SIT! Ste, Nama, Ste. Now fetch that divine spark…GOOD GIRL!
Polyamorous: Polly Pocket all grown up…
Defenestration: The male response to PMS
Cacaphony: Simultaneous spit up and poopy diaper
Thanks friends, that was a blast! Hugs, Kisses and High Fives for the intimacy-phobes in the group (xoxox555)
Love it great responses!
DAMMIT! I didn’t get to play 🙁 Those were great! I loved Floogle, Polyamorous and Defenestration
Wicked pissah…you nailed this..schlofn bro-co-lay? Oh thank you…now that’s stuck in my head all day…
Peace – Rene
Only Ana Gasteyer as Celine can sing my themesong
Or Jenifer Saunders
You find the BEST words. I’m planning to use infarction, blunzer, expantification in a conversation today. I’ll report my findings.
You are hilarious girlie!
Schlofn bro-co-lay! Awesome. I, too, will be chanting that all day.
I forgot to add my snotty spelling correction to the original post :
Indubitably In*du*bi*ta*bly
There. I will await bitch slaps. Line forms to the right.
That was awesome! Floogle made me laugh right out loud…
Shade and Sweetwater,
Damn! I did misspell ‘indubitably’ yesterday. Sorry!
Great responses. I loved them all.
Bravo! Bravo!
and thanks.
now schlofn-broc-co-lay will be stuck in my head all day today.
Namaste – you crack me up. 🙂 Now go fetch me a beer.
that was so funny, I almost cacophonied. xoxo55
Blunzer- VERY funny. And you had a lot of really tough words!!!
More please!
For the second week in a row I’m craving nerds after reading your post! Super funny answers – loved it!
Love Free Association Friday – I wish I was that quick w/ the wit :). (And no HTML code in this one :)).
hahaha!!!! Great one…fetch me the divine spark indeed!!!
Best FAF ever!!
Someone should write a Santa’s Reindeer story and have the one named Blunker never be allowed to drive w the others until he sobers up.
I am overwhelmed! You are the best at your own game!
The Clapper! Genius!
I had a corpuscle once in high school. Didn’t leave the house for a week. Oh, and I was going to try yoga, but I have no intention letting any kind of eruption take place. Thanks for saving me from that. Phew.
One more, I truly believe that Babaganoush should get himself a little Polyamorous and get over it.
So, good. What a great way to kick off the weekend.
I liked them all, especially: Peace-rene, facebook, and Blunzer.
Oh Darn! I missed it! Can we do it again????
Oh, no! Looks like I missed out on all the fun!
You win.
i missed out! These are awesome I love the polyamorous one!
Damn, am I too late? I really want to catch the next one because these are so funny.
“Facebook: Asspage”
Funny. I love Peace-Rene: Celine’s next single
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