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Forget cars and dogs, let’s bet on babies in the pod!

    Recall the pod where they kept all the genius babies in the movie Baby Geniuses? For, those of you less filmic than I, I shall deign to explain that the pod provided the milieu for all the genius-baby antics. If you’d like a shining example of cinematography from the knee-high perspective, elegantly orchestrated baby-ninja choreography, and some of Kathleen Turner’s best work, look no further.

    Now. Imagine if you will, combining the hijinks of that baby pod, with the suspense of The Price is Right Show Case Showdown, the “how well do you know your loved ones” folly of The Newlywed Game, and all of the drama of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and you have an inkling of what I’ll be watching and live-tweeting this Saturday night—the season finale of Bet On Your Baby!

    Remember when I worked on the campaign for LUVS awesome 1kid 2kid ads? Well, tomorrow night, Saturday June 1st at 8 pm EST, I’ll be live-tweeting Bet On Your Baby on their behalf.  It’s fun for the whole family—the whole family who isn’t going out on a Saturday night anyway. Please watch and tweet with me! See you IN THE POD!!

    (This post is sponsored as part of my work with LUVS 1st kid/2nd kid)

    0 thoughts on “Forget cars and dogs, let’s bet on babies in the pod!”

    1. Now I miss that creepy old Bob Barker. (I am fairly certain that was not what I was supposed to take away there, but twitter scares me)