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    Jews? The season of repentance is upon us. Time for TEKIYAH TRADING COMPANY’s GATES ARE CLOSING SALE. Now is the time for fantastic deals. Are you Yontif-ready?

    Feeling nervous about your inscription in the book of life? BOGO on our self-adhesive custom labels. (no guarantees again fire, water, beast, famine, thirst, earthquake, plague, strangulation or stoning)

    Bobby pin holes in last year’s yarmulke? Darn it up and Dress it up with Bubbe’s Bedazzler! Take the tired sports-themed kippah to a fashionable new level. The congregant sitting behind you will thank you. Unless of course you happen to blind him with your beanie- bling, in which case you will owe him a new pair of bifocals (bifocals buy one get 1/2 off a second pair).

    Have you seen your colorist? The days of counting gray hairdos during silent meditation are long gone, ladies. 18% off Ash Blond and Blue/Black hair color.

    Need an easy way to tell your kids teachers “Shanah Tovah Love You Mean it?” Absolute Apples-Milk-N-Honey, just $19.99 a pint.

    Shofar blowers, are you prepared to act as though Tekiah G’dolah is not a competition? Even when Sid Goldstein out-blows you again? Our patented ram’s horn enhancer will help you put the Show back in Shofar (Half off with any prescription anxiety medication refill)

    Caffeine addicts? Are you narrowing down to half caffs? Is it worth it? Try our New Year Nicotine patch, for a truly easy fast.

    Rabbis, struggling to find yet another sermon out of the binding of Isaac? Slaying of the first born Mad Libs for only $9.99!

    Gentile children? Need a signed note from “Zayde” to get you out of class? No worries, we can even duplicate last year’s signature for a small fee.

    Sinners? If two hands won’t suffice, consider our discreetly designed Tashlich Tote! It fits right under your talit and holds an additional supply of sins to cast off.

    Whatever the challenge, we’ve got your solution. Even for you, people in the cheap seats. “Shanah Tovah Tuchas” seat cushions are twofers while they last.

    Order now, and receive 18% off our DIY build-your-first-sukkah-that-doesn’t-sucka

    0 thoughts on “Fire Sale 5769: GATES ARE CLOSING”

    1. Enjoy your starve this holiday season. As for us, I *working* with for my husband this weekend. When catering calls, he answers (such a Jew – especially in this economy). I’ll miss the services this weekend.

      So sad.

      Okay. Maybe not. But I do feel guilty already. Damnnit!

    2. I long ago decided that the REAL repentance and punishment happens when we get to listen to the rabbi try to explain away the binding of Isaac just ONE MORE TIME.

      You’d think eventually one of them would just admit that, well, it’s a terrible story. Let’s move on.

      Wouldn’t you???

    3. Ann, are clearly wasting your time blogging…get your own shopping channel NOW!!!!!!!

      And the Mad Libs can be easily translated and adjusted to fit any denomination!!! Hot Seller! Order Now! Operators are standing by

      Peace – Rene

    4. Hey! I just had a brilliant thought!

      You know how Amy and Braja used to do that One Morning a Week thing to contrast their differences?

      How about you and I do a Jewish/Catholic thing and we’ll call it. . . well. . . you think of the funny name and I’ll do it!

    5. Love it! It’s bad that I promised the kids more apples and honey for dessert last night and then backed out, right? I have a few more days though before those gates are closed…extra honey for everyone after school today for sure!