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Commentor’s Choice for Free Association Friday

    More of me…How ’bout some more of me-ee.

    Hey everybody, let’s bloggety-blogenshtein! Leave a word for me to free-associate with in today’s comments and I will be YOUR guest for FAF tomorrow.

    have mercy…

    0 thoughts on “Commentor’s Choice for Free Association Friday”

    1. I usually don’t use $5.00 words – mainly because I don’t know or understand them. So my $3.00 word for you is – schmuck.

    2. facebook

      One of these is NOT like the other…do doooo dee dooo, doooo deee doo do do. I’d say coffee, but clearly I’ve had enough of that today…..

    3. baba ganoush.
      I once had a dream in which i entered a room and sitting over to the right on a towering pile of toys and cool stuff was a little gnome-like creature, and I said, “who are you?” and he said, “I’m Baba Ganoush.” It was clear to me (the way things are clearly understood in dreams) that he meant the famous jolly gnome who brings desserts to everyone on Baba Ganoush Day.
      No, I was not tripping. When I woke up I had to go look up Baba Ganoush because I had no idea what it was.
      Thank you for letting me share.