Perhaps you’ve noticed I’ve spent less time on-line lately. OH PLAY ALONG, will you??
My husband took my children up to Door County for four entire days last week, which allowed me to attain FULL CREATIVE SPASTIC MODE. I organized, and organized, and photo collage-ized, and proposal-ized, and organized. I socialized and exercised. I -ized more than I have in years.
Which caused me to philosophize:
Wondering how many lost hours, dollars, and prescriptions could be avoided if Mothers had more time ALONE…
While I -ized, I may or may not have spent less time on twitter, but I assure you the time remained QUALITY.
Would you like an example of a QUALITY TWEET??
See exhibit A. No, exhibit J for JACKEE.
One day I tweeted:
“My number at the bagel store was 227, but Jackee did not come give me a celebratory hug. #Disappointed”
AND THEN… THIS POPPED UP from @divajackee (!!!!)
*Hugs* close as it gets!
Upon clicking on her profile I noted
“Tweets are not from Jackee. Only those in quotations come out of her mouth and will be signed –Jackee”
I tweeted:
“@divajackee Are you with Sandra Clark?”
and THEN this
@annsrants “The Days of my being impressed with Sandra Clark are gone…Today I’m impressed with me. Just plain me!” ~Jackee
Quality. See?
if only I was hip to the times and actually understood the twiterrati concept…but I suppose congratulations are in order? Mazel tov?
Now there are only 6 degrees of separation between me and Marla Gibbs. Squee!
Jackee got a tweet from annsrants?
that’s pretty damn impressive
I hope you realize what a special moment this was. I wonder if I can tweet David Soul.
I’m just jealous for the 4 days of “i-zing”. Can I borrow your husband?
I think I was about five last time I was this confused. I’m sure this Jackee person is very famous, but not in my little world. Tweets from Annsrants, however. Now that’s good stuff.
Jackee? As in 227 Jackee? I just saw her on Rue Paul’s Drag U. Can you ask her if Jujubee is really that pretty, up close?
Who’s Jackee and should I be following her? I’m a new twit and desperately want to be with the IN crowd at some point in my life. Could this be that moment?
LOL! I have to agree with Casey. But I finally figured it out. And as many said I’d be more impressed with a Tweet from you. Or Florence Henderson.
TV. 227 people, 227. JACKEEEEEE (pronounced A)
It said that on the door to the apartment and Jackee lived there with some other people. that’s what I remember. I remember HER clearly. I’m so impressed she quoted to you.
YOU HAD FOUR DAYS ALONE! Isn’t it something? I walked in circles bouncing off the walls for way too long when my boys were gone, but sooner or later I got a lot of tweeting done.
Well, ok, this is impressive. But the day that Martha Stewart tweets you in quotes, let me know. I WILL jump up and down that day! (whatever the hell is Jackee even doing these days?)molly
When non-tweeters tell me they don’t understand Twitter, I will refer them to this post.
I don’t feel so ridiculous as I took a screenshot of my tweet as it appeared on her website. WEBSITE.
That’s awesome. You’ve really made it now!
That’s fantastic! P.S. Who is Jackie? I mean, obviously I know, but I want to make sure that you do.
Shut the heck up! That is the coolest thing EVER! : ) And I LOVE her reply! I want to go and be her friend right this second because she sounds like an awesome and down to earth person.
I still have the hardest time understanding twitter. I feel like an idiot because everyone in the world understands it… Darn it!
Am I the only person on earth that still doesn’t Tweet? Oy.
Happy weekend, jj
Proposal-ized? Oooh! Exciting…Whachya got cookin, good lookin’?
This is very exciting. Now that I am super hip and joined Twitter, I realize (here I am -izing with all my free time) that ANYTHING is possible in this magical place.
Oh HAIL yes!!!!
I think you should add a double (silent) e with an accent to the end of your name in homage.
i am very jealous. Jackee doesn’t even know I’m alive. Your husband should go away more often.
Four days all by yourself? Wow. I am so jealous. Lucky Lucky Girl!
doooood … you are like the karma queen of weird coolness.
Leave a woman slonr with a decent enough amount of time, and great things will be accomplished.
Great things, in our opinion.
I love jackEEEE!
This is NOTHING short of AWESOME.