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Blissdom Needs More Cowbell! Please come.

    Blissdom Conference ~ Nashville ~ January 26-28, 2010

    I’d like to personally invite you all to Blissdom. I’m speaking in Nashville and it will be even better if you’re there to support me in moving my mouth. Will you come?

    I’m honored to announce that I’ll be joining two incredibly smart and talented blogger/writers– Megan Jordan of Velveteen Mind and Rita Arens of Surrender Dorothy— for this Wisdom Workshop panel:

    (from the website)

    Editing Salon: Celebration of the Life and Martyring of Words

    As writers, we nurture intense attachment to our words. As great writers, we need to learn to get over it. Editing can make the difference between a mediocre post and a stunning narrative. Attendees will have the opportunity, if desired, to submit previously published posts and a select number will read them to the workshop of peers and panel of writers and editors. Together in a supportive and creative environment, we will discuss the highlights and weaknesses of the works, with a focus on how editing can strengthen the piece. Authors will be invited to share their writing process and how editing played a hand (or didn’t) to shape the presented post. If you are wiling to wield your editing sword without mercy, this is where greatness happens.

    I leave out the parts that people skip. ~ Elmore Leonard

    I sometimes put in too many parts and typos. ~Ann Imig

    0 thoughts on “Blissdom Needs More Cowbell! Please come.”

    1. Can’t wait to see you there! I’m coming in Wed. and can’t wait to come to the Editing Salon. It sounds so nice… “salon”. Can I get my nails done while I learn how to say ANYTHING concisely?

      Love your quote, too.


    2. What is it with you midwesterners and cowbells?

      Congratulations on hitting the bigs in Nashville. You and your cavernous left armpit are gonna rock the salon.

      Do you suppose Leonard leaves out all the prepositions? That’s what I tend to skip.

    3. WHY is my flight coming in after 3pm??? WHY???

      WHY can’t I think? WHY?

      Will you please answer those questions during your panel and record it and then play it for me later? Thank you.

      No really. I hope the whole thing is watchable later cause I’m very sad. And also happy that you’re doing this. The people there will be NOT sorry.

    4. I’d love to be there, Ann.

      I wish you so much good fortune and blessings. I know you will be a blessing to all who have the gift of seeing you.

      I, too, just wanna grab and squishy hug you when I see you.

    5. I so wish I could be there… As it is, I’m trying to figure out how I can get myself out to CA in August. My financial advisor (husband) is not predicting a lot of extra funds for conferencing in 2011. Fingers crossed though.