For those few readers who do not blog, you may not realize that bloggers receive hundreds of spam comments every week. While most bloggers consider these nonsensical comments a nuisance, others of us–specifically three of us–find them performance worthy.
Please join me now, as I celebrate the spammers of Ann’s Rants in MasterSpam Theater!! (If you don’t see a video embeded below, click here).
Next, you can SHORT TERM LOANS LOANS LOANS your way over to meet some of the spammers of Smacksy and The Flying Chalupa. All the time, handle it up!
This post was so great written! I mean, great spoken. I think you will get at least 83 views.
That was great written. Hilarious, Ann!
Ann, this was really funny. I want to do one. I’m going to do one. SO Funny.
All the time, handle it up. Needs to be something somewhere and good enough to start a new blog by that name.
Haha! Genius. And I need a SHORT TERM LOAN so please hook a sister up.
What a data of unambiguity…and hilarity! You crack me up, Ann.
I like when they try the “family member” angle. Like I might think this is actually my cousin having a hair loss problem.
I’m surprised there weren’t any tips about your missed SEO opportunities. I’d like to hear more posts like this!
Oh the charm of great written!
Hi my family member! Why do you look so gorgeous doing this, when I opted for the pirate hat? Too funny, Ann! LOVED.
Well done, Ann! But I think you missed the Nigerian guy.
A wide range of clamps at my fingertips? I’m in!
Hysterical! If I got awesome spam like the one about “sparkly” something or other, then I think I would read it more often. Currently, I’m flooded with SEO crap. But this is awesome! Talk about a positive spin!
All Russian brides want good you give.
Hilarious. Absolutely. #handleitup
Baaahahaha! Now I’m going to picture you giving a dramatic reading every time I get a spam comment.
LOANS LOANS LOANS, clamps, clamps, FREE stuff, handle it up! The excitement never ends in your spam box.
I MUST TESTIFY about the greatest spellcaster who ever was and brought the love like back into my eyes.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets the spellcaster spam? Hundreds of them. I think it’s because I write about divorce a lot. I read mine out loud with different accents but never thought about doing theater with them. Let me know if you need a fourth 🙂
Ordinarily, I’d be suspicious of a basin encrusted with a frostwork of glittering crystals.
But not anymore!
Fighting…to…catch…a breath. That was so funny, I laughed with my mouth wide open and no sounding coming out, the entire time.
Handle it up, yo!
The words just come to life in your lyrical voice.
As always, I bow to your greatness.
xo jj
Aren’t these spammers just so friendly, family member? 🙂
Pingback: A Few Days Late and a Can of Spam Short :: Midlife Mixtape
Ann, I finally stopped laughing long enough to comment. The three of these “Master Spam Theater” videos are quite possibly the funniest things I’ve seen in a LONG time. And I guess you have to be a blogger to get it. SO, SO FUNNY. Damn!