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Thursday Thoughts: Karma-Related Notes To Self

    Remember how we scoffed at my in-laws neglect of the family cat? She was old and mangy. She looked malnourished, and they never took her to the vet. Now we have our own sweet little fur skeleton, waking us up with her Alzheimer-induced meowing. MEOW! MEOW…wait…did I already say that…MEOW MEOW, DAMMIT MEOW.

    Why did Janet and Chrissy always stuff their mouths so full when raving about Jack’s cream puffs? WE GET IT. Jacks a MAN and he can BAKE. This little bit of overacting/fake chewing drove me nuts even as a child. See Self! This is what becomes of too much screen time.

    If you play up your neurosis and psychosis in your blog…your loved ones will begin seeing you as neurotic and psychotic (its them of course, not you)

    When tsking and head-shaking about that unattended toddler attached to your leg at the library, take a moment to locate your own child…moment of panichmm…lots of long empty aisles… loud gleeful WHEEEEEE as language-learning cassettes ricochet past re-shelving librarian’s shin…

    My husband’s seemingly insatiable need for his hobbies used to drive me mad. Judger? Meet blogger.

    Sighing Mommy? Sighing children.

    If you blog about how you’re such a stickler for grammar, and way too uptight about spelling and punctuation, a typo usually exists somewhere within that very post. Its true. Don’t do it.

    People in coffee shops on computers all day used to mystify me. Didn’t they have better ways to spend their time…(throat clearing) Judger? Meet blogger. AGAIN.

    If you are overconfident in naming your post Thursday Thirteen…you will fall (four) short.

    0 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts: Karma-Related Notes To Self”

    1. OMG – just so breathed a sigh of relief that I am not the Thursday Thirteen.

      So glad to know I wasn’t the only one watching Three’s Company marathons.

      I am sure people reading my blog think I am neurotic and a bad influence on my child. At least I’ve NEVER claimed not to ramble on, LOL!

    2. If you play up your neurosis and psychosis in your blog…your loved ones will begin seeing you as neurotic and psychotic.

      OMG. how do you stop that? Stop complaining? …then why did I make this blog in the first place? Privatize it? …..not so fun….


    3. That’s okay, I can’t count anyway. Just ask Heinous……

      LOL! I am now a coffee shop lurker WANNA BE. My job is getting in the way of my blogging. dammit.

    4. I’ve eaten more words than I ever imagined possible. Who knew I could be so wrong, so often?

      Great reminder to reign in the judgments and thoughts.

    5. Lyndsay, yeah I’m in to not really claiming much of anything on my blog, actually.

      B, oh no don’t stop! Its just my little funny irony. Some of my loved ones read daily, and now they know a side of me they wouldn’t have otherwise.

      Hi Vodka, I know I know. Infinite time would not be enough for bloggyland.

      Beth, if only I would remember. I prefer to just keep running into the wall over and over again.

      Braja, yup I nead me some peace. Thanks again for the bloggy flair. Its the purtiest one!

    6. I am one of those people who spends half a day in a coffee shop that has free WiFi so i drag my Mac Book and anything else i think i may need for the half day (whole day) in the coffee shop including pens (WHY?), reading material (again WHY?) paper (HUH?) and i settle myself in for my half (whole) day at Gorilla Coffee. Yes that is what its called. No Starbucks for me. Well only if Gorilla is crowded than i head on down the block to Starbucks to spend my half (whole) day!!!

      Oy i am exhausted already!!!

      Have a great Friday girlie!!!!

    7. I AM a stickler for grammar and the English language in general. But as much as I try to remain true, you’re right.. I usually end up screwing something up. Like ending that lest sentence with a preposition.