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Thousand Word Thursday: Politically Incorrect Snacks

    Ok, I knew these fry guys would please the boys’ palates, but what emerged from my toaster oven scared me silly. Please help me caption this photo, and give our family a new name for our favorite side dish…

    A) Minstrel Munchies
    B) Our Name is Luca (We walked into the door again)
    C) Chemical Peelies
    D) Before “Bare Minerals”
    E) Tater-WTF are you feeding your-tots
    F) Nuclear Fall-Out Nuggets

    G) Commenter’s Caption–add yours below!

    Cheaper Than Therapy

    A heartfelt thanks to Adlibby and Dizzblnd for the awards. More detail to follow…

    0 thoughts on “Thousand Word Thursday: Politically Incorrect Snacks”

    1. That is SO bad… (but you know I cakled like a hyena- they are just SO SO bad!) I don’t know how low to bring it, but here goes….

      Br’er Taters


      Li’l Amos ‘n’ Andy Tots

      Forgive me, Lord, for even saying it….

    2. I would call them history…they wouldn’t last long enough around me to be worth discussin’!! Rack up another batch Mama!!

      Verification is hation…is that like ‘hate nation.’ I think its a reflection of the Tater Tots mood towards being cooked. Then eaten.

    3. Those are some freaky looking snacks, Ann.
      However, as a science experiment, this is a GREAT idea. “And this is what happens when you DON’T let your mommies lather your faces with sunblock at the beach.”


      I think I found a way to scare my kids into never giving me grief over sunblock again.

    4. Hmmm…I wonder what their bodies looked like!? 🙂

      I’ve been reading your posts on my Blackberry, but can’t comment when I’m on it…you are so hilarious!! And I LOVE the new pic!!

    5. They might be smiling when they go in, but you won’t be when they are coming out.

      Here’s lookin’ at you kid.

      Aww, c’mon, could you eat a face like this?

      Nothing beats E on your list though.

    6. A face only a mother could love, oops i mean like, ooops i mean…tater tots!!

      Ok, so that sucked but its all i got!! Perhaps during my run, i can come up with something brilliant!!!

      I love you by the way for your very nice comment on my blog!!!

    7. Boy, I kind of opened up Pandora’s Box here, didn’t I.

      Amy, get down with your un PC self, all Madisonians should do it every now and again.

      Braja, at least it didn’t say haitian…that would’ve made me extremely uncomfortable.

      Janet, one that I deleted was “Buyer Beware: Sun lamps” because in middle-school two girls looked just like this after their run-in.

      Lori, Welcome!! Yes, spot on.

      Simplicity, awwww thanks, babe!

      Lyndsay, a cautionary tale.

      Monica, thank goodness someone got that one.

      Melissa, perhaps with ketchup…

      Jenny, welcome and YIKES

      JAM, thank’s for stopping by and endorsing my peelies

      Dizz…GORBERS I love it!

      Mom, to the third-degree!

      Michelle, Pooka works, yup.

    8. You could serve those Mr. Smiley Potato Heads with Captain Dumbass’s Grilled Cheese Men along with Silence Of the Lamb Chops and invite your toddlers to act like Hannibal Lecter. WTF is wrong with me??

    9. Oh…my…GOSH! Those are hilarious. I’m going to have to keep looking at that picture all day. I digg that they are even making french fries culturally divers now. And kudos to you for knowing the Suzanne Vega song. I’d have to go with “Al Jolson brand potato fries! Crispy yet offensive.”

    10. Hood Chick, and you’re forgiven

      Awww, thanks Pearl!

      Tooj, that’s exactly what I thought

      Ann, PERFECT!

      PHST ooooh good one.

      Julian, I had to look up ROFL. Aren’t I a nerd?