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Let’s Renew Our Vows: A Challenge Grant!

    Beloved husband, on the occasion of our upcoming Tenth Wedding Anniversary I would like to say I love you, I like you, and I vow the following benevolently if and only if you match my generous vows!!

    When I let you sleep-in, you greet the day enthusiastically within ten minutes of gentle prodding. Ok, sometimes this includes unintentional toddler ball-slam but hey, it’s a lot easier than a vasectomy. No no my Dear One, twenty minutes is far beyond my “mommy-go-psycho” grace period. It’s a challenge grant. Accept the challenge and we become “Buddies” and earn an incentive tote bag!

    Your glasses are broken. Again. I admire your superglue fortitude, and prefer it to the hot-glue-gun booger that hung on the side of your last pair. I challenge you to purchase new glasses before said glasses become a Woody Allen inspired monocle. In turn I vow to embrace forthcoming identical brand new pair of Woody Allenesque glasses with nary a flinch of disappointment. Nary a flinch! At this level we become “friends” and receive a commemorative mug.

    Thank you for your hot new professional haircut. Let’s make a habit of it! I challenge you to leave your awesome DIY skills to the homestead and away from your hairstead. In turn, I vow to look into your eyes, rather than at your hair when we speak. Slowly put down the clippers and back away from the thinning shears. There you go. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here, and so is our signature logo t-shirt! Cha-Ching!

    Thank you for purchasing new clothes. Yes! Go forth and purchase! Continue your twice-per-decade schedule and I challenge you to double it! I vow to embrace those brand new black Banana Republic sweaters, as I did their holy predecessors (yes of course I mean sacred). I love you, my rock of fashion consistency. Let’s celebrate at the “Patron” level and receive our “Best of Us” compilation DVD!

    I vow to allow you to meet your most basic needs. Every time I seem to need you, or every time we need to leave the house, or get somewhere quickly without stopping—by all means relax and do your bidness. I accept the challenge to allow you to relieve yourself. One more time. Again. REALLY? Seriously? Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I guess we now become “Partners” and receive the Yankee scented candle for this one.

    I challenge you to drive within ten miles over the speed limit when you are in a hurry, and to minimally maintain the posted speed limit when we go any place on my agenda. So less going 60mph on residential streets en route to Home Depot, and less going 5mph en route to my Mom’s house, okay? I vow to maintain my inner-equilibrium , rather than flail about the console demonstrating your unnecessary speed. If we reach this lofty goal, we become “Lifers” and receive the steak knives! Go team!!

    This is your mission if you choose to accept it. Not that you have much of a choice.

    A generous and loving anonymous donor

    0 thoughts on “Let’s Renew Our Vows: A Challenge Grant!”

    1. Stay off the hairstead, people, it is dangerous territory!!! lol

      My husband made ME vow that I would take the boys off the hairstead and now he takes them to get proper haircuts. *sniff* If they had kept their curls, it totally wouldn’t matter who cut their hair, but HIS genes had to go and straighten all the kids’ hair. Sheesh.

    2. We’re approaching our 14th anniversary. If my husband would just start closing drawers/ doors instead of always leaving them half open, I would gladly stop bitching about it. (Of course there would be no reason to nag him about it anymore).

      I’m expecting a commemorative plate in the mail any day now.

    3. Steak Knives? No way. That’s so cool. We got a trip to NY for ours that we should pay off sometime around our 20th. Have you devolved into the single syllable conversations yet? Those are the best.


    4. You know…I’ve been looking for new ways to drum up new donors for Tzedakah Sunday this year…your challenge grant might be just the thingy! Hee, hee!

      Love this…as always! X-pecially the “mommy-go-psycho” grace period…we have that in our house too, however haven’t quite figured out how long of a grace period that is…

    5. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary – looks like you’ve got the celebration well under way here with all the loot. No gifts, then? I’ll just come to the party expecting food and drink.

    6. Scary…My husband is leading a double life
      There are so many similarities. Do you think that there are only say…3 male types, different packaging of course, but just chocolate, vanilla, strawberry…I don’t know Ann I’m gonna let you figure that out, let me know what you find…just how many are there?

      Peace – Rene

    7. Hah! I think I remember telling you in a previous post comment how similar our husbands were.
      Here we go again!! I still cut my husband’s hair. I go to a salon, my kids go to a salon but its too frickin’ expensive for hubs!! He doesn’t even tip me!! (Do you consider a smooch a tip? I don’t!!)
      And, new T-shirts are all gifts and reside at the back of his cupboard to be worn only on special occasions (like our 50th anniversary)!!

    8. And I cut my husband’s hair. It is necessary since he can’t seem to get to the barber regularly. And he has some serious Praise Jesus hair that needs some taming.

    9. There is always something about hair… My husband prefers to go to the barber and get the standard issue military ‘do. I don’t care if it’s easy/comfortable/low maintenance/cheap/a means of making me want to set my own hair on fire and jump out the window…Enough with the jar head look! People in the military HAVE to get that haircut. We on the other hand, should enjoy our civilian freedom and go to a salon – grow some sideburns even. Live a little.

    10. Again. I admire your superglue fortitude, and prefer it to the hot-glue-gun booger that hung on the side of your last pair.

      That line right there cracked me up!! So much!! I can’t get that image out of my head now!!! LOL!!!

      Your the best and funniest!!!