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Free Association Friday: Braja The Blogging Yogi

    Welcome, Free Associates! Today Braja, our beloved Blogging Yogi, and author of Lost and Found in India (the blog and the upcoming BOOK) gives her responses to the list of words I provided in bold. As if she needed all that intro with her following…

    Englebert Humperdink
    Sideburns sideburns sideburns!!!! Ahhh, Engel. He was an encouragement to people to be brave enough to keep their bizarre names when they become famous. I know he made this up. Wasn’t he Reggie Dwight before?

    Reinforced panties.

    Er..I don’t want to speak of ‘rude bits.’

    That’s the language cows speak. I have a PhD in Naugahyde.

    My maiden name. Think about it.

    Sounds like “pick your own.” And I don’t wanna do dirty boys posts.

    He’s the guy down the road who runs a Chinese restaurant. He has two kids, boys, called Numma One Sahn and Numma Too Sahn.

    Ancient Indian philosophy that teaches you about impersonalism.
    And they invented the word ‘buttress.’ See above. (Well, the Kama-sutra did come outta this land…)

    I believe that came from the Kama-sutra too but I’ve already mentioned I don’t wanna do dirty boy posts. Wait…oh forget it.

    Best described by an image. Here it is:

    I think it’s a disease that one of these guys above is suffering. Something about losing your nuts…

    Trapper John, MD
    Bastard!!! I know what he said about M.A.S.H. and it WASN’T funny.

    I’m wearing mine. Are you?

    This should be in bold letters and screamed out loud, like this “WOMBAT!!!!” Then watch those Darth-vader wanna-be squirrels up there run like shit…

    You’re reading it, baby…

    He invented television in Australia. His first name’s Reg. I’m a little tired of how you people think I’m making this stuff up…

    Thanks, Braja! Man, you guys crack me up every week. Go check out FAF posted weekly over at Humor Bloggers Dot Com. Hell, leave a comment there too if you’re not too exhausted.

    5555 (high fives all around) 5555!

    0 thoughts on “Free Association Friday: Braja The Blogging Yogi”

    1. Y’know, Pseudo, I was gonna do a ten comment tap dance (you’ve done a 3-step, I noted), but I thought everyone would think it was wierd, me commenting on this post more than once. Since I wrote it. Y’know.


      Ah crap…

    2. I was reading this as I shimmied into my buttress and it was so funny, I found myself screaming “Wombat” which woke up my kids. Thanks for nothing.

    3. Mo, don’t be bizarre…there’s no such thing as Naugahyde-to-English. You simply speaks as the mooooood mooooooves you. Duh…

      Debbie, scream “WOMBAT!!” again, Joanie’s in love 🙂

    4. WOMBAT!!

      I am reminded of one of my favorite poems…

      Roses are red
      Violets are blue
      I once killed a wombat
      ’cause he looked just like you

      Not that you look like a wombat; it’s just a poem I like, and… No, I’m afraid I’ve dug myself a huge hole and there’s no getting out. My sincerest apologies. I’ll go away now.

    5. btw Ann…I think you needed to add another label to this, Braja’s Whistlin’….doesn’t it fit in that category??

      555555555555555!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dammit that makes me laugh…i feel like a pre-teen 🙂

    6. Reinforced panties!! LOL!

      The post was hilarious and, in a strange way, wise too. No, please don’t ask me why I think it’s wise. I don’t know.

    7. I just commented and it showed up under my daughter’s name. oops! She probably doesn’t know what a buttress is either though.

    8. Hey wait! I know someone who could use a pair of those reinforced panties ’cause she drinks too much vodka.

      Not saying any names, though.

    9. I’ve learned more words here than I learned in Kindergarten all week.

      See? The internet is a wealth of information. Miss Biscuit must be a certified genius. Or maybe she is certified some where else…

    10. But if you don’t wear unders what do you do with your buttress?! I, of course, need my buttress… but inquiring minds want to know…

    11. Damn, I LOVE babaganoush and cocktails. I’m comin’ to your house. No wait…you’re comin’ to mine…