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I need Technical Assistance: A Small Plea for Help

    A query for anyone who is tech-savvy:

    Some readers are seeing html coding throughout my posts since I’ve switched to my domain (the blogspot leads to the domain Only some readers see it though.

    I looked in blogger help and they provided two explanations: pasting from Word and not writing in compose mode. I do both of these, but always have without a problem.

    Any other ideas?


    0 thoughts on “I need Technical Assistance: A Small Plea for Help”

    1. I don’t see the code. I’m using firefox. Perhaps it is only in Internet explorer or another browser that this happens? I’ve never been able to cut and paste from word without all kinds of weird code showing up. There’s a firefox add-on called scribefire that’s a pretty decent text editor you may want to check out, but I’ve never cut and pasted from Word there either. keep us posted.

    2. Neither do I (and I went back through some previous posts of yours to double check). First question I would have is what browser is being used by the person seeing the problem. Then work from there. I have seen some odd things happen such as a failure to be able to edit my comments (hi-lite, right-click, and the menu is all grayed out) until I select an identity. And that has happened on a few blogs, not just yours. Other than that, you seem to have no problems that I can see.

    3. Ann. I don’t see it on Safari for Mac.

      It may depend on how you get it to your site from Word. Cut and Paste? Some sort of import?

      One way to avoid that is to create a dummy blog in blogger (unpublished) that you can use to create your posts. Then cut and paste from the Edit HTML tab into your site.

      If your site is picking up the coding from word, try this…

      When you’re done composing in Word, save the document as either an RTF file or a TXT file. This should take out any weird Word coding that is leaking on to your web page.

      Now open it again in Word or maybe better some other simple word editor. And copy and paste.

      I’m just guessing, so don’t take this to the bank, but they are possibilities.


    4. It happened to me and I own my own domain. I haven’t searched for ways around it, I just use compose mode on blogger. It’s not as user friendly, but I manage. . .

    5. Okay, I just found another option. Depending on the version of Word you are using, you can copy the text of your post and then paste it in another word document using the command “Paste Special” where you can choose to paste it as text only. Then if you copy and past that new area it shouldn’t have all the formatting codes in it.

      Just so you know, these are total guesses. I really have no idea what I’m talking about. 🙂


    6. I saw it on your last post and wrote you and told you to stop smoking so much pot.

      Then God punished me by:
      A. Not making my slide show work
      B. Screwing up my followers widget so that now it no longer displays in a grid but in one LONG line.

    7. I don’t see your code…I create my posts in blogger in my drafts folder – I’ve heard that it’s a pain copying and pasting from word so I bet that’s the culprit. Good luck!

    8. I see the code, but not on this post – it happened to me once and I think what I did to fix it was save it as a txt file, but I’m not real sure – sorry.