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Free Association Friday, Baby! (Anna Lefler)

    Welcome back FAFians! This week please welcome one of my bloggy-idols, Anna Lefler. I provided the words in bold, and Anna free-associated in her completely unique and hilarious manner. Don’t miss her on the BlogHer humor panel--she’s bringing her gong.

    Salad Shooter – That’s what police dubbed the 45-year-old housewife who, ten days into her transition to Veganism, held a Cincinnati SWAT team at bay with her husband’s hunting rifle for three hours as she consumed an entire vat of Orange Chicken at a local Panda Express.

    Undulate – Technical word processing term for using the backspace key. Example: “While editing my novel, I had to undulate several paragraphs that no longer worked in the story.”

    Maxidress – Like a regular dress, but twice as absorbent.

    Brechtian – Variant on Breck shampoo, also on the “Breck girls” featured on shampoo’s label. Example: “I wanted my hair to look extra Brechtian for my big date with Thaddeaus tonight, but it won’t flip up the right way in the back.”

    Minipad – a very small (but swinging) apartment.

    Souvlaki – A trance-like state that occurs when one accidentally inhales a Junior Mint during a symphony concert and then spends the next 20 minutes silently struggling to either swallow it or cough it up before asphyxiating.

    Pastiche – The residue of white sugar that clings to one’s mustache after eating a powdered doughnut.

    Monchichi – Exclamation used primarily in France to indicate sole possession of a tropical cocktail. Example: “Back off, man. That’s monchichi.”

    Sterno – Working title of proposed sitcom chronicling the rollicking adventures of the love-child of Howard Stern and Steve-O. (“Um…pass.”)

    Lexicon – when your lawyer pads your bill to cover his trip to Jamaica with the hot girl from word processing.

    Christmas Snow – Like regular snow, but gift-wrapped (a.k.a. the cheapest gift ever).

    Turkey Jerky – A brief but passionate clench with the poultry man.

    Thanks so much for contributing today, Ms. Lefler. Oh, and I’m packing moustache wax in case you run out.


    0 thoughts on “Free Association Friday, Baby! (Anna Lefler)”

    1. Hilarious! Who knew there was a technical term for the deleting of paragraphs on a tangent? Now I must get back to monchichi.

    2. You’re a genius! I’m going to carry this one with me for a long time.

      I’m overwhelmed. I can’t even pick a favorite. Although being married to a vegetarian leans me towards Salad Shooter…. wait, is that me or her? Brechtian took me by surprise. I’m sort of hanging on as I’m reading your bit, and then I get to the example and just about spew coffee on my work attire.

      Souvlaki! Blaaahaaaaah!

      And then you end with the dreaded, Turkey Jerkey. I just picture a desperate and really fast squeeze near the Butterballs between the everymom and the genial, balding guy in the white coat and glasses.

      Thanks for a great start to my weekend!



    3. Ohmuhgoodness…I almost choked on an Oreo, reading this. I should know better than to eat, drink, or attempt anything as complicated as breathing while reading FAF. Lesson learned…

      Shade and Sweetwater,

    4. “A trance-like state that occurs when one accidentally inhales a Junior Mint…” Been there, done that!

      As I’ve said before, this feature is why Iove Fridays!

    5. I had a monchichi as a kid. It was weird. I’ll now replace the memory of it with this new and much preferred definition. Thanks for allowing me to skirt therapy for one more day 😉