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Ann’s Rants Explains it All: Clarifying Obvious Gestures with Unnecessary Verbiage

    (gulping water) “WOW! I’m so thirsty.

    (yawning) “Good Lord I’m tired.”

    (laughing) “LOL! LOL! Isn’t this funny? This sure is hilarious.”

    (nodding) “Yes.” (more nodding) “Yup.” (nodding) “Absolutely”

    (eating) “Man oh man, was I craving that nugget”

    (peeing for longer than expected) “DUDE! I’ve had to go for HOURS”

    (head bobbing to radio) “This song sure is catchy!”

    (crying) “Wahhhh. What I’m feeling is not happy.”

    (enjoying a movie moment) “I keep glancing at you to confirm you are enjoying this movie as much as I am”

    (shaking head) “No. no. no. no.”

    (shoulder shrugging) “I don’t know. I have no idea. Can’t say. See? See? Clueless.”

    (shaking head/hiccuping/shoulder shrugging) “I can’t believe this. I have hiccups. Nothing I can do about it”

    (pointing) “I’m indicating that. That there. Right. Over. There”

    (high fiving) “I confirm your awesomeness and celebrate my own simultaneously”

    (burping) “What do you know. I’ve got Gas. Again”

    (humming) “Enjoy this expression of my boredom or happiness depending on my inflection”

    (choking on nothing) “It’s nothing. I’m okay. Excessive saliva. Hear that? I’m choking”

    (speechless) “I just don’t know what to say. And you know me. I’m never speechless. Absolutely nothing for that one. Not a thing. Seriously. Wow. How do you respond to something like that? Holy Moly. Got me on this one. Well Jiminy Cricket and his tiny cane…I’ll be damned.”

    0 thoughts on “Ann’s Rants Explains it All: Clarifying Obvious Gestures with Unnecessary Verbiage”

    1. You are a MASTER of the Obvious!

      This is what I wanted to grow up to be when I was a kid. That and a Solid Gold Dancer.

    2. My general gesture for everything is to smile and nod. Because when I open my mouth, my foot seems to get lodged in it.

      For me, it’s better to be mute.

    3. I was STILL laughing about you drinking that water and then explaining “I’m drinking water because I am so thirsty!” I’m almost peeing my pants I am laughing so hard right now. At 7:44 a.m.!

      I miss you already… do you want to get together for a goodbye coffee later?

      *wiping away the laughter and sadness tears simultaneously*

    4. I totally do that “movie moment” thing…you are awesome!

      and the saliva thing…why do we spontaneously choke?

      I also do that shiver thing every once in a while…you know when your spine just wants to dance but the rest of your body is being a wallflower?

      Yeah..I’m OK

      Peace – Rene

    5. Well! I’m certainly glad you clarified that for me!

      On the humming part. . . I only hum when I’m like carrying an overflowing martini glass and I don’t want to spill it’s contents. Works every time!

    6. As for me?

      Solitary middle finger up in the air= You are driving like crap and now I am going to pass you and tell you what I think of you in a hand gesture.

      Oh wait, that’s not me, I swear 😉

    7. My standard response to anything when I’m not really paying attention is an empty smile, a faraway look and an indistinct, “uh-huh, uh-huh.” My 20-something-daughters claim they can pick this up on the phone with me even when they’re two hours away.

    8. Will somebody PLEASE make up a hand signal for when the car in back of you honks at you for not moving. And I don’t mean flipping the bird.

    9. And just when I thought I couldn’t love you any more you throw this brilliance around town. Love this post and can I add….

      (waving arms up in the air and swaying to the music) “Oh my God, I love Brooke White so much and I think she loves me too and I swear she’s looking at me and I think I’m gonna cheat on my husband with her and why don’t we all just ‘Let it Be’?”

    10. My speechless is a LOT like your speechless, but with a little more speech punctuated by mouth wide open looks to SHOW that I REALLY MEAN I’M SPEECHLESS.