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Free Association Friday: Oscar Nominee Quinn Cummings!

    Ummm…Ann? How in Chrissy Snow’s third pigtail did you end up free-associating with Oscar Nominee (for The Goodbye Girl) and author Quinn Cummings this week? I still don’t really get it myself, but it had everything to do with Rene the very day I joined Twitter. Anyway, please welcome the fabulously funny and gifted writer Quinn Cummings. I provided the words in bold and my guest Quinn created the post, because apparently I’m too lazy to be funny on my own.

    Bimini– A new bathing suit developed by Gottex which covers a bit more than a tankini. Women still get depressed trying it on.

    Bunsen Burner– A code phrase for an unspeakably deviant sexual practice preferred by merger lawyers.

    Jackee How French people want to pronounce the word jacket

    Dokken-A pejorative term for a grown man who still sleeps in his mother’s house under Darth Vadar sheets.

    Jumanji- The letters I always seem to get in Scrabble.

    Pablum– Ma Blum’s husband.

    Bouillabaisse– Frequently confused for a word, it’s actually an annual vowel convention.

    Shasta– William Shatner’s drag-queen name.

    Mangle Iron– A code phrase for an unspeakably deviant sexual practice preferred by congressmen.

    Fanny pack– The newest song by the Black Eyed Peas.

    Capoeira – How to say “Airhead” in Italian

    Gloca Mora – A term frat boys use for vomiting.

    Spandau Ballet– The act of getting into your Bimini.

    Beignet– A hairdo which is finished with powdered sugar.

    Soren Lorenson – A Swedish philosopher known for her cleavage and Neorealistic movies.

    Chatty Kathy-A code phrase for an unspeakably deviant sexual practice preferred by bloggers.

    If you want to keep up with Quinn, try reading her blog. Don’t say I didn’t warn you–she’s always interviewing or book touring someplace or another. Hells, buy her book and then you’ll have something to read while you follow the links.

    Thanks so much Quinn! It was an honor to free-associate with you and a pleasure to meet you in bloggyland.

    0 thoughts on “Free Association Friday: Oscar Nominee Quinn Cummings!”

    1. Very Funny! Good job Quinn and Ann.
      Unfortunately I have known many a Dokken…
      Bouillabaisse, what was y’s excuse this year?
      Soren Lorenson! OMG..Ann..The sad part is I know exactly who that is…

      Peace – Rene

    2. you girls is smart!

      i’ll have to confess to preferring quinn’s guest performance on starsky & hutch over goodbye girl, but that’s because i was 10 at the time.

    3. Too damn funny. Thanks Ann and Quinn for starting off my Friday with a laugh. And, Quinn, I’m naming a character in my new novel after you (seriously!). What should her traits be?

    4. Also, Ann, I’m following you now so you better behave. Feel free to stop by my place as well. We can sit on the back porch, eat hot-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, and watch the Chippendale strippers entertain us. I don’t know how they always end up in my backyard, but damn it, who am I to complain?

    5. Quinn is funny. I may link this next week as she uses one of the rules of comedy. She shows up.

      Kidding, but she does use one to perfection.

    6. How awesomely creative and funny! I just found out about your blog this week. I have a lot of reading to do. and thank you for checking out Malady!

    7. Wonderful! I’d like pictures for each of the deviant sexual practices please.

      So I live in Shasta County under Mt. Shasta, near Shasta Lake, Old Shasta, the Shasta River and Shasta Lake City. I’ve never seen Mr. Shatner here in a dress and I’m a little pissed about it. Where is he?

