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Mock ‘N Mime!

    It’s time I hunker down and start monetizing my time and skills. I’m thinking business. I’m thinking profit. I’m not thinking acting, social work or writing, but let’s go ahead and optimize those party-fun/money-poor assets. C’mon Ann use that spicy Ad Sales brain from days of yore…

    Mary Kay? No way.

    Arbonne? No, non.

    Silpada? Nada nada.

    Something useful, something zany…

    GOT. IT.

    A game for the whole family in crisis! A game for all those “family meetings” gone awry. A game when it’s “talkin’ to time” IT’S…Mock ‘N Mime!

    Tired of circling around the same tired issues with your spouse, children, in-laws or cellmates? Do your family meetings result in screaming, character assassination, and taser intervention? Don’t you think it’s time to try something new? Something that harnesses not only your pent up rage, but also your burgeoning creativity?

    Try Mock ‘N Mime

    Let your families’ creative aggression shine as you mock one another until you laugh and cry. Better yet, you can make it a work out, by getting physical (weaponry sold separately). Game includes phrase cards that get the conversation flowing with sentences beginning:

    Why do you always…

    How come you never…

    Why can’t you be more like

    If I’d married your sister/brother

    You sound just like your Mother/Father/Surrogate

    That’s not you, that’s the (insert chosen controlled substance) talking, and it makes sense for once!

    Of course (insert child name) is my favorite. And your point is

    This (imitate face) is what you look like when you….

    Players take turns “communicating” until emotional exhaustion sets in, at which point they get to wear the “quitter” cap and sit out until they can collect themselves.

    Why waste another perfectly good evening passing the talking stick, when you can gather your friends and neighbors for Mock ‘N Mime!

    (disclaimer: panic button only works in 911 compatible areas)

    0 thoughts on “Mock ‘N Mime!”

    1. Okay – this totally cracked me up since I love Arbonne and have been considering selling it to make a little extra money. Now that I’m a SAHM and all without my own paycheck. Apparently I don’t do anything half way. I go for the full monty cliche.

      I do like that quitter cap idea. I want one for evenings right before the kids’ bedtime routine.

    2. At the end of the game, and if you’re Jewish, you’d have so much guilt you’d have to go into the kitchen to eat a little something.

    3. Hilarious! We have a game similar to this we call “circle and beat” wherein we systematically work our way around the group (counter clock-wise) picking on each person in turn until they cry or storm out of the room. Typically this game is played only on major holidays.

    4. You ever see the Scruples episode of Everybody Loves Raymond? Blaaahhaaahaa! This game would have been perfect. Scruples is quite possibly the most inflammatory game ever devised in the history of games… well, until now. Can’t wait for the deluxe version!



    5. Wait..this is a game?
      No, no…this is Sunday dinner
      and quitter runs to the basement slamming the door…muttering “eff you all!!”

      Can we do a Family Feud style version of this with one family competing against the other?

      My family would kick some serious ass..we’ve been in training our whole lives.

      Peace – Rene

    6. My six year old did some Mock n Mime on me this morning. While I’m rushing around making breakfast, he said “Why do you have that upset look on your face?” I said (like a dumbass), “What upset look?” He then proceeded to do a perfect (PERFECT) imitation of my harried, distracted Morning Face, complete with breakfast making hand gestures. And you know what? You’re right. I did laugh my ass off. What else could I do?

    7. That could be your best idea yet. I must say that before I play with my loved ones I will build an arsenal of chinese throwing stars and other weaponry (a hockey stick perhaps?), you know, just in case!

    8. OH. MY. GOD. I’m getting this for the craptastic Christmas with the in-laws. It will so much more fun in the form of a game! I already know my MIL is going to get the “quitter cap”. And I’m totally investing in the weapons…

    9. well, first off… if you really are interested in making some cash, you should stick with writing, girl. after your essay i read this a.m.? please… a no brainer.

      so i can see from some of the other comments that you now know this game has not only already invented, but perfected in the home in which i was raised. i may or may not have saved a game piece (or six) to use when i really want to get my pathetic point across.

    10. A game? I know families like that. And bloggers.

      Actually that bloggers bit? It’s ugly. I’m getting too serious. I’m leaving. But really, they do…and I avoid them, but they keep popping up. Ugh….

    11. HA!

      We play a version of this, but it’s all done via charades. The first person to cry is the loser. But I love the idea of the “quitter’s” cap. I’ll have to steal that one from you.

    12. I love this game, I play it all the time.
      My husband called me by his mother’s name just the other day. He was comparing how similar our cat calls are. Ya, I can get any cat to come by within a 30 mile radius when I call for ours.

    13. Hi, just wanted to leave a comment to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed stopping by your site today. Your posts are really engaging and I love your photo’s.

      Thanks so much for brightening my day, best wishes