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Spelling Word List: Grade 30something

    Neti Pot as in “Please do not use my neti pot for a genie lamp”

    Kidney Tonic as in “I recommend this Hermit’s mix kidney tonic for your humpback”

    Beaujolais as in “Have you met my daughter, Beaujolais?”

    HoMedics as in “Get your naked butts off my HoMedics Shiatzu Massager”

    Mirena as in “Why do I always want to call Mirena-my-IUD, Minerva?”

    Apnea as in “Wondering aloud if Husband’s snoring is due to Apnea, my therapist gave me a new neurosis”

    Quinoa as in “Have you met my son, Quinoa?”

    Ma’am as in “Why do you need to see my ID for the wine if you’re calling me Ma’am?”

    Mindfulness as in “Can you repeat everything you just said? I’m practicing Mindfulness.”

    Antioxident as in “Zhis Dawk Chawcwate is hewfy wif its powfuw antioxshidensss”

    Sitz Bath as in “I think the nurses’ favorite word is sitz bath”

    GERD as in “Have you met my Great Aunt GERD?”

    Thank you to the ever-popular Oh My Goddess (fka Comedy Goddess) for her Goddess Award last Friday. The Goddess always surprises with her sharp wit, and quirky sensibility.

    Also, I want to mention to Elizabeth, beautiful writer of Boy Crazy: Finding Clarity in the Chaos and Becky, the hilarious Princess Mikkimoto that it was a pleasure meeting you both last week. I feel so lucky to have local bloggy buds–especially when I am missing dear Amy Bitchin’ Wife so much. Thank goodness Maggie isn’t going anywhere. Ever. Right Maggie?

    0 thoughts on “Spelling Word List: Grade 30something”

    1. Hahaha! It’s not so much the spelling that causes me grief, but the pronunciation. I was clueless for a week on the quinoa thing until my daughter’s dietitian said it aloud. Of course I pretended to have known the whole time. “Oh yeah, she loves KEEN-WAH!”

    2. We are meant to be BFF’s because I swear to God I call my IUD Minerva too! In fact I can’t even remember how to pronounce it correctly!

      Thanks for the shout out! XXOO!

    3. Well aren’t you the sweetest thing with your little shout out. I absolutely loved meeting you, and can’t wait to introduce our littles.

      Off to study my spelling words….

    4. Oh now don’t even get me started on the Ma’am thing. Nobody ever says Ma’am in Canada unless they are insinuating age…they might as well say ‘hey geezer’

      It’s not like in the south USA where it’s almost cute to hear with a drawl. Nope. Not good.

    5. I love those – especially the Ma’am bit. Gets me every time. And the names… good grief I’m afraid to see what the kids preschool classes will be made up of name wise…

    6. Don’t even get me started on the Neti Pot. I once attempted to use it…and oh….it was horrific. Almost as bad as the time I laughed so hard in the cafeteria at West that the chocolate milk I was drinking came rushing out my nose. (And we wonder why I just didn’t fit in…)

      Hope you didn’t get too buried in the snow. Took me 3 1/2 hours to break free…

    7. I was in a doctor’s office the other day and told them I had an IUD and the nurse asked, “Mirena?” and I said “Mirena who?” and she thought I was stupid. So it’s good to remember the name of your IUD. FYI.

    8. Oddly enough, I had a great Aunt Gert. She was kind of scary but not so bad…. kind of like GERD, I suspect.

      Sorry my comment is so boring, I feel like I should be able to come up with something way better than this for such an entertaining post. That mentions ME, even. I must be losing my touch. *~*

    9. Instead of the Minerva, I went for the Essure. I Essure you, I made the wrong choice. I now have one blocked tube and a husband recovering from a vasectomy.

      Happy Hannukah, Ann. And I’m probably spelling Hannukah wrong, because I’m a lapsed Episcopalian who dabbles in Buddhism.


    10. When you write Thanks, Amy! in your slide show, that is WRONG. The comma infers that Amy signed it. Please refer to my slide show for the correct way to thank someone in a slide show.