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Better Than Funny

    What is better than funny?

    Shopbop not only matched my delurking day donation, but TRIPLED IT! I just got news from my wonderful contact Kelly over at Shopbop that they will donate $250.00 to the relief effort charity of my choice.

    Reading this on Stacey/Anymommy’s post, and watching this clip from MSNBC, inspired me to donate to God’s Littlest Angles, .

    Here is what Stacey wrote:
    If you want to donate, you probably already have and the Red Cross is an amazing first responder. If you want a long-standing, incredibly well-run organization that has been on the ground with Haiti’s children for decades, give to God’s Littlest Angels. Truth be told, I should have asked you to give to GLA two years ago. They do astonishing work. They cared for my daughter and for the little boy that was briefly ours for over a year. I lived there for three weeks in January 2005 as a volunteer and witnessed the hard work they do. I didn’t ask because I imagined that we all have our own causes, but now as the world focuses on Haiti, I am shamelessly making my suggestion. GLA was caring for 150 children in a difficult, unstable environment on Monday and their job is infinitely harder today. They have the experience, they have the resources, they are accepting cash donations and they are also accepting supplies at their Colorado Springs office. They have brought containers into Haiti many times in the past and whenever that becomes a viable option, they will do it again. Until they can bring in supplies, I know funds will be vital as available supplies in Haiti become even more expensive, processing adoptions are halted and children orphaned or displaced in the earthquake arrive at their gates

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to Shopbop for your generous donation, to Stacey for helping it land in good hands, to Pauline/OHMommy for the idea, and to you readers for all your comments.

    Gratefully yours,

    0 thoughts on “Better Than Funny”

    1. not to imply that i am stylish and have a big heart… i just meant, that is who i am drawn to. not that i am drawn to you, but, well, you get what i mean. or not.

    2. Oh and I forgot to say that I LOVE your new look over here. I am soooooo happy you did not get rid of your photo. That is SOOO you and I just love that picture.

      I looked at the new design earlier in the week from my iPhone but did not comment but I wanted you to know I love it.

      I want a new look too. And a new hair cut.
