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Do you know what time it is? #30BrighterDays time.

    “Do you know what time it is?” my friend and neighbor Pat called to me from her garden this morning.

    “9:42” I said.

    “Do you know what time it is?” She repeated. “It’s raspberry time! Want a pint?”

    Her husband Mel came out the door with my rasbperries before I could even respond absolutely I want a pint.


    It’s time for neighbors and berries and brighter days. Who’s with me?


    #30BrighterDays is a practice I developed for the purpose of practice– practicing noticing, practicing creative expression, and practicing brightening my perspective. I welcome you to join me in your own notebook, on your blog, or on your social media using the hashtag. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. In fact, I’ve found it works best for me as a little deal. We often overlook those. 

    3 thoughts on “Do you know what time it is? #30BrighterDays time.”

    1. What could be more jfun than stealing apples from the xxxxxx’s back yard?! Well one – making fudge at judy’s house when her mom wasnt home. Or maybe it was faking sexy voices and calling “taverens” when my mom wasnt home!!

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