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    On Wednesday my laptop died.
    On Thursday I learned that I’ve misused the word “intertia” when I meant “momentum” for my entire adult life.
    On Friday morning I learned the “I’m shy” defense from 3:
    “Please clean up that mess you just made”
    shrugs shoulders, sighs, shakes head “I’m shy”
    On Friday after the school ice cream social, 6 informed me that he read a message in his poop
    “it was shaped like an ice cream, with a minus sign under it. My body told me I ate too much ice cream”
    Today I noticed in one of our wedding photos that the bridal boutique sewed the bra cups in my dress exactly four inches lower than flattering. Seeing this photo now feels like foreshadowing, or inertia—rather, momentum of the downward variety.
    Today I also learned that I still suck at Photoshop. I made a button, and it only took me two days hours! Go click it for a Listen To Your Mother announcement…

    0 thoughts on “Updates”

    1. I think my computer died. The button won’t work for me. Sad face emoticon.

      Inertia is also the tendency of a body in motion to stay in motion so that’s kinda sorta close to momentum, right?

    2. Dead laptop, shyness, poop, mixed up words and boobs. I’d say this post has it all. Plus, PLUS you give us photoshopped buttons as a bonus.

      Well done, you.

    3. If it makes you feel better, my boobs have always been 4 inches lower than flattering. The woman who sewed my wedding dress asked if we could lift them a bit. Umm no, that’s where they’re connected. I suspect they’ll continue the momentum until I can use them as cushioned shoe inserts.

      Love the poop reader by the way!

    4. You can read poop?

      Why did nobody tell me this before?

      Does it work with dogs too?

      Now THIS is psychic bullcrap that’s also funny. Because it involves poop. I’m in.

    5. I always thought that intertia meant something along the lines of not moving until moved by outside forces – but then learned (in college? who knows…) that it also applies to things in motion (staying in motion until stopped by outside forces). While it’s not the same as momentum, it’s not exactly the opposite. So – good news! – technically, you probably weren’t misusing it.

      That said – WHY is this fantastic event taking place in CA and not DC? The inertia of my weeping could only by countered by some killer outside forces.

    6. I had a friend whose child once called her into the bathroom to look because her poop looked like Cinderella’s glass slipper. I know, I don’t think so either.

      My children are also too shy or too sad to clean up their mess. I’ll admit, the sad one almost works for me.

    7. Thank goodness for the re-introdution of high speed internet in my life! Now i can catch up on all your rants!!

      What is the acronym for, I EFIING JUST PISSED MY PANTS READING YOUR POST!!!

      an;t wait to rant with ya!