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#30BrighterDays Mall Lunch

    Last night my 8th grader and I attended high school orientation. After the first hour, the kids left the auditorium to have Q&A with some graduating seniors, while we parents got tips from the school psychologists about raising adolescents.

    The grown-ups asked fraught questions about the behavior plan, drug use and active shooter drills; all of which the staff answered directly and took seriously.

    Near the end of the evening, my friend Dan–one of the school guidance counselors–let us know that while we fretted over if/how often to allow our kids to go to the mall across the street for lunch, the kids themselves erupted in whooping and cheering at the very mention.

    In the lobby afterwards, we parents nervously chatted about sports physicals and older sibling prom plans and social media.  Meanwhile, my son breezed by me with a smile on his face, holding a piece of pizza the approximate size of a traffic cone.

    Tickets are on sale now (more than half sold) for my new show (Thursday evening 6/21) YOU AGAIN: an evening of songs and stories to benefit MOMS DEMAND ACTION. Enjoy Broadway favorites and original stories about midlife, marriage, and motherhood–with accompanist Mark Wurzelbacher–all in support of MOMS DEMAND ACTION gun violence prevention efforts. Venue is small and seating is limited! Buy tickets here.