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August 2010


    Have you ever met an inflexible kid? Not the kind who won’t negotiate, the kind who can’t touch their toes. While some children roundoff back-hand-springed their way through childhood, I crab walked. Desperate to keep up with my ballet classmates, I’d go on benders stretching for hours at a time. I figured rigorous stretching accompanied by the Flashdance soundtrack, would result in a welding contortionist. Yet I made it through childhood without so much as a side split. Or a torch welder. The injustice… You can imagine where that leaves me as an adult. A… Read More »Inflexible

    My Super Silly 15 Minutes

      I’m subleasing at humor columnist Robin O’Bryant’s place today (, where she interviews me for her Super (silly) Moms blog feature. I call this my “Mime Drivin” ** Robin writes multiple columns, and a blog relating hilarious tales of her three children. Please go visit and support her in her dream. **photo by the ridiculously talented Ryan of Pacing The Panic Room He is a beauty infuser–not a styling appliance–a man who makes the world beautiful with his words and his lens.

      God flying out of people’s mouths!

        Did you know God flies around everywhere in New York City? Did you know I saw him shoot out of people’s mouths? Did you know that you did in fact land on and not the 700 Club? Sure the smell of urine can ruin your dinner of FREE Sunchips from your Swag Bag while you are racing down 6th Avenue, but don’t let that distract you from the Godliness in New York City. I’m not referring to the pizza, the lox, or your image on the Super Screen in Times Square, divine though they… Read More »God flying out of people’s mouths!

        Single workdays, married weekends: The Workweek Widow

          I wrote this essay two years ago, when Husband traveled constantly and I stayed at home 36 hours a day with a toddler and preschooler. This week I am the one leaving for BlogHer10 (thank you Husband!) Workweek Widowhood means single-parenting during the workweek, while your spouse travels, works double-digit hours, or plays any manner of fantasy-athletics. My husband travels around the country designing web interfaces. He gets on a plane in the pre-dawn hours technically considered “Monday morning” and returns only to jolt me awake, just as I’ve nodded off late Thursday night. It’s… Read More »Single workdays, married weekends: The Workweek Widow