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Blogging? Or Jewish Summer Camp? You Decide!

    Are these quotes from bloggers on blogging OR teenagers (the ones who love camp, not the mosquito-bitten miserable variety) on Jewish summer camp?

    “No one in my real life understands me like you guys”

    “I’ve been here such a short time, and yet it’s a lifetime”

    “In my real life I am insecure and hairy, but here people accept me for who I am–insecure and hairy”

    [Song: You’ve Got A Friend]

    “You guys accept me for who I am. You are the only ones who know the real me.”

    “Honestly? Honestly? I don’t know how I’m going to go back to my real life. Honestly.”

    “We share a common language. One They don’t understand. One with many hard consonants”

    [Song: That’s What Friends Are For]

    “I hereby grant you this badge for best/prettiest/most talented loyal friend”

    “There are no losers here. Everyone is accepted. I mean, even if I’m not friends with you, here you can find one. A friend”

    “Crying. Just crying.”

    [Song: Circle Game]

    “I love you. I love you. OH MY GOD I love you”

    “You have changed me forever. I will never be the same. Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives”

    “I’m going to leave you with this message: Don’t walk in front of me I may not follow, don’t walk beside me I may not lead. Wait. Don’t walk behind me I may not follow. Wait. Just don’t make me go back to those people”

    [Song: Stairway to Heaven]

    0 thoughts on “Blogging? Or Jewish Summer Camp? You Decide!”

    1. Having never been to Jewish summer camp – it’s hard for me to make the comparison… But I’m conjuring something up along the lines Dirty Dancing meets Little Darlings. I think I’ve got it…

    2. Those have Camp Shalom written all over them. Except those that have Cupcake ’10 written all over them.

      Oh I give up. I just like to think I’m getting that badge!

    3. Oh what a wickedly tongue in cheek send-up of the blogging world this is. In England they don’t have summer camps but if they had of done I think I would have fit in so well at Jewish summer camp because I know I am a very good fit for the blogosphere 🙂

      Now I am going to read this for a third time and come back to it again and again as not only did you make me laugh but I need to remind myself time and again that there is a real world out there I need to try and participate in too 🙂

    4. Is this what goes on at all those big important blogging camps – er, conferences? Or what a Bloggers Anonymous meeting sounds like? What kind of twisted world do I now inhabit? Oh, who cares. Just give me a badge and be my friend.

    5. I’m truly stumped. I can’t tell which quote belongs to which age group. I never went to Jewish camp, however, oh wait, yes, I did, Tennis camp

    6. You captured the intensity of that experience beautifully. What happens? How? And (he says suspiciously) why do religions use summer camp? I think I’m on to something here. Get the kids away from their parents for a while, key up their emotions, and let the brain scrubbing begin. Now I understand why I was soooooo in love with Kim, then Michele, then Jennifer. I finally get it. Phew. Thanks!

    7. Teen angst is apparently the common denominator of Jewish summer camp and Baptist summer camp. Jewish camp was most likely cooler, though- no pressure to get saved.

    8. I need to stop reading you while putting the baby to sleep; it’s counterptoductive and I always get the hiccups from trying to swallow my laughter. And by then my cover is blown and he knows mommy was only pretending to sleep so I have to start all over and then I need a new post to read …
      Also, there’s not much difference from Jewish summer camp and Nazarene summer camp except for the obvious. I knew that summer camp would prepare me adequately for something in life.